Monday, August 16, 2010

my sponge

and no, I'm not talking about the contraceptive.  I'm talking about my children, specifically, Number One - my oldest.  She's 9 and full of sass, energy & creativity.  She's super smart and keeps me on my toes.  She also holds me accountable to anything and everything I've ever said or done.  *sigh*  Sometimes she makes me very tired.
Anyway, my dear little one is like a little sponge...she hears everything and remembers everything and often repeats everything.  This is not always a good thing.  When she was only a year or two, barely old enough to talk - she was at the grocery store with my Mom (aka Me-Ma), and wanted something (I don't remember what).  My Mom told her no, they weren't going to buy that today, and my little innocent one looked up at her at said very plainly...."damn it".  My Mom immediately called to relay the story and let me know that "she didn't hear from me".  oops. 

Well, now my first born is "blogging".  She has seen me posting and reading.  She has also been listening.  Intently.  So, I thought I would share her "post".  This was written a few days ago and she said she was emailing it to her cousin, (who's 12), b/c her cousin wants to know how to be healthy and lose weight. (I know, sad, right?! My nieces, on my husband's side, are very overweight and have extremely poor dietary habits.  Anyway, that's a whole other post.)  Back to Number One - who's guest posting today ;)

Guest Post from my 9 year old (unedited by mom)

My Blog

This Blog is about eating healthy

It is easy to do.

Just look at the labels if there is sugar as you VERY 1st ingredient it is bad for you.

If it has any trans fat it is bad for you..

So don’t buy it.

In cereal it shouldn’t be 12 grams of sugar or more then it is also bad for you.

Once you start eating healthy you can have things unhealthy every once in a while. Not every day! Eating unhealthy is bad for your whole body. You should also drink lots of milk and water. A lot of things will have a lot of sugar like Reese’s puffs and Sunkist it is pretty bad for you… Did you know that sunkist is #1 for the most sugar in soda you should only drink diet sunkist on special ocasssions you can drink plain sunkist but don’t do it often.

If you think that is bad how about this.

This is juicy info. butter popcorn can give you cancer because micirwave butter has a lot of bad particals and things in it.

McDonalds is one of the worst fast food places.

Why? You ask.

This is why, chicken nuggets are made out of bones crushed up fixed in bread crumbs and fried.

Burgers are bad for you because they feed there cows other cow meat witch makes them die probably almost in a couple days.

Weird hu.

So, I know she is listening.  Boy, is she listening.  Not always following directions, but I KNOW she hears me!  I think the 12 grams of sugar in cereal is pretty funny...since that is NOT what I say.  I always tell them to look for ones less than 10 grams (which is still more than they need - but anyway).  Less than 12 grams is what she wants to hear, b/c that would include stuff like Lucky Charms, Cookie Crisp, etc. I also think her interpretation of McDonald's is pretty funny - they'll never ask her to do a commercial. 

I can only imagine what she says when I'm not around. yikes.

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