Tuesday, September 7, 2010

PINT - would u like some cheese with that WHINE?

Check out That One Mom at Only Parent Chronicles and link up for Post It Note Tuesday!
While you're there, check out everyone else's PINT.
Do it.
Because I said so.

*Disclaimer - any and all things that do not make sense, are spelled incorrectly or may just be plain offensive...I am functioning on very little sleep and can not be held responsible. k?thanks!


  1. Hope you feel better. Spring is when all the allergies hit me. Don't just love 2 year olds. I have had my Dad tell me a couple times that it is payback.

  2. My mom always use to tell us she hoped our kids treated us the way we did her...

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I hated the terrible two age but to be honest 3 was worse! I will keep my fingers crossed you won't have that problem. As for my Mom, she doesn't even laugh secretly. She points and laughs right in front of me!

  4. I know my daughter has caused me to call my mom and apologize more than once.

  5. My mother laughs at me on a regular basis. Oh, yeah and allergies? CAN SUCK IT!

  6. Oh yes it just comes and bites us right in the rear doesn't it!

  7. I know my mom is laughing her ass off! Email me about his not sleeping. Have they checked his adenoids?
