Friday, November 19, 2010

Indian Corn

I've seen all these cute things dealing with Indian corn....
So I thought I'd share them with everyone.  Since the kiddies will be out of school a few days next week, you may want something to keep them busy ---especially on Thursday when you're trying to get things done in the kitchen!  Get the bigger kids to help the little ones make these....

Indian Corn Craft from Moments of Mommyhood.  I thought this was super cute as well as super easy.  Always a plus with kids.  You basically just need paint, bubble wrap and construction paper!

Ok, so it doesn't look so great now, b/c I didn't think about taking a picture before it got squashed, broken in two and "molded" back together, etc....Plus, it was made by a 2 year old. (with help of course!)  This is supposed to be "indian corn".  It's made of popcorn, raisins, dried apricots and butter.  Mix everything together with the melted butter and mold into "corn" shape.  My son made this at preschool.
Edible Indian Corn
This is something similar, found here.

Indian Corn Cupcakes from the blog Cupcake Wednesdays

This requires a little more effort, but if you have older kids who can bake, the younger kids could  decorate.  Cute, especially if you do one of the other crafts with it, and have a whole little "theme" going.  These are just cupcakes and Jelly Belly jellybeans!!  Love it.

So, just thought I'd share :)  Happy Friday!  I'll probably do a Friday Blog Hop post later (if I can find the time!) Today is super busy with a party at preschool, lunch with Miss Number Two, Girl Scouts (and it's my turn to provide snack)....and the list goes on and on and on and on.


  1. I adore those cupcakes! Too cute! What fun ideas!

  2. You need to explain twitter to me. I don't understand it.

  3. The only downfall of the indian corn know those jelly bellies are all the nasty flavors like chocolate pudding and buttered popcorn!

  4. These are super cute! So now you can have Indian corn year round!
