Sunday, December 12, 2010

more E-Z holiday treats!

 If you're looking for a yummy treat that requires very little time and prep, this is it.  It's a great one to let the kids do, even my 2 year old helped!
It has a short ingredient list...

pretzels (the square ones work well if you can't find the round ones - which I never can)
Hershey's Kisses (I like Special Dark)
M&M's....whatever kind you like!  I've used Dark, Milk Chocolate and Pretzel. mmmm, pretzel....

That's it!  Place pretzels on a baking pan/cookie sheet, place Kisses on top (unwrapped of course. durrr)
and put in the pre-heated 350 degree oven for 2 minutes.  Yep, TWO minutes :)  Are you loving me yet?
Remove pan from oven and place M&M's on top of warm Kisses, mash gently.  Let cool.  DONE!

The other variation is to make "turtles"....

Place a Rolo candy on top of your pretzel.  Place in oven for 2 minutes.  Gently press a pecan (walnut, almond) into the warm Rolos.  Let cool.

Super easy and cute little snacks.  Chocolate and could you possibly go wrong?!

Taste of Home as a slight variation in oven temps etc., you can check it out here, I may do it this way next time, b/c sometimes my chocolate looks a little ash-y after it cools.  That conjures up all kinds of loveliness doesn't it?  Anyway, heating at a lower temp may remedy that....we'll see.  I have lots of pretzels and kisses left, so we will be making lots more!

 With Pretzel M&M's :)

AND I have a GIVEAWAY going on right now...enter HERE.  Do it now, it ends Wednesday!!


  1. your food pics look great

  2. My crazy grandmother makes the turtles and they are delicious!

  3. I must make the ones with pretzel M&M's.
