Monday, February 21, 2011

Orange Baked Donuts with Vanilla Creme Frosting (egg free)

chocolate chip too :)

Are they not just the cutest little things?
Number One specifically asked for mini donuts this weekend, and of course, I obliged.  Because I'm the most awesomest mom.  Until I made her go clean her room, but that's a different story. (filled with lots of yelling, tears and drama. ugh.) You'd think I was asking her to clean the toilet with her toothbrush or something.  All I want is for her (her being almost 10) to pick her clothes up off the floor, hang up the clean ones, put the dirty ones in the laundry basket, and put away her toys.  Is that too much to ask? I think not.  But it's a battle all the same.

If you don't have a donut pan, you should go get one!  They are so much fun!  Store bought donuts should never pass the threshold of your mouth.  Not that I'm trying to tell you what to eat or anything (I totally am), but just check out the nutritional label on the little mini powdered sugar donuts that kids love so much. Hor-ri-ble. 

Anyway, you should make these little things.  They are adorable for one.  They look like a donut so your kids will eat them for two.  And third...well, I don't have a third thing.  The fact that my kids feel like they are getting a treat, while actually eating a much healthier alternative is reason enough for me to make them!  Not to mention that my little man can't have store bought donuts, so he really enjoyed these. 
And there are so many possibilities....

Orange Baked Donuts with Vanilla Creme Frosting

1 cup all-purpose flour *I used 1/2 cup whole wheat and 1/2 cup cake flour

1/3 cup sugar *I used 1/4 cup sugar b/c of sugar in yogurt

3/4 teaspoon baking powder

3/4 teaspoon baking soda

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 egg *1 T. vinegar, 1 T. water and 1 t. baking powder for egg replacement

1 tub (6 oz/170 gm ) vanilla yogurt *I used 6 oz. of Yoplait Fat Free Orange Creme Yogurt

1 tablespoon canola oil olive oil

1 tablespoon milk *I used orange juice

1 tsp orange zest **this would have been a great addition and added to the orange flavor, but I was all out of oranges :(

For half the batter, I added some mini chocolate chips.


In a large bowl, combine dry ingredients. Whisk together.

In another bowl, mix together wet ingredients.

Make a "well" in the center of dry ingredients and add the wet ingredients. Whisk until combined. Use a spoon and fill the greased donut pan.

Bake at 400'F for abt 7 minutes (for mini donuts). Remove and let cool completely on wire rack.

For the Vanilla Creme frosting - I used 1/2 cup powdered sugar and abt 1 T. sugar free French Vanilla International Delight coffee creamer.

A Rainbow of Happiness :D

These taste like....cake.  Little bites of cake for breakfast!  They are not heavy and dense like a cake doughnut, but good all the same.  Of course, they may have tasted or had a little different texture once they cooled, but...they didn't last that long. Since I'm not a huge fan of vanilla, I preferred the unfrosted minis with the chocolate chips!  As I said, the possibilities are endless.  You can make so many flavor combinations!  I know I will be experimenting with a lot more varieties.
I'm still begging asking for your vote for Mo'Betta in the Top 25 Foodie Moms at Circle of Moms.  You can vote one time, until March 1st.  I would appreciate it!
I have a giveaway going on until Wednesday (2/23) for General Mills/Hotwheels Prize Pack - 5 free boxes of cereal!

Linking up at:  Eat at Home for Ingredient Spotlight - sour cream and yogurt


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think I need to get one of these donut pans. It seems like a 'less guilty' wat to have a donut. They look so cute!
    * You should link these up with Fun for Kids Friday on

  3. i could use a donut. i voted for you on the top blogs thingy.

  4. I have a donut pan (THANK GOODNESS, I'M OBSESSED WITH IT!!) and that is the coffee creamer I use...the exact one! I have to make these!! SOLD!

  5. Your Donuts look so good. I really like the use of Orange in the recipe. Thank you for sharing and have a nice day!

  6. Those doughnuts look so good! I need to get a doughnut pan...

  7. I've never baked donuts. I must try this. They look yummy and I'm starving.

  8. I will have to give your recipe a try - the ones I tried made a very dry donut - pretty to look at, but not to eat!

    And I somehow birthed a child who is a clean freak (complete opposite of me by the way!)

    I have pictures of her on a step-stool washing dishes around age 4, and I believe she fired me from washing her clothes around age 7! :D

  9. wow, you made donuts?!?! I'm so impressed!

  10. mmmmmm!! We have a little donut maker. The boys love it when I make them!

  11. These look delicious! I haven't had homemade donuts in so long, and these look great. I found you at simply step back. ~Lori

  12. My kids love donuts, but they are SO expensive that I hate to buy them. I know when I was a kid my dad used to make homemade donuts all the time, but I've never been able to find a good recipie. I'm totally going to go try yours now. They look so yummy!

  13. You were featured on Simply Step Back today! Thanks for linking up, and remember to stop by for a feature button!

  14. I'm a sucker for baked donuts. These sound wonderful.

    I'd love to have you share this recipe with Sweet Tooth Friday!

  15. looks yummy!

    I have a giveaway on my blog. $15 store credit to select any hair accessoriesfor a little girl. check it out
