Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cake Batter Pancakes

or, as I like to call them, Birthday Pancakes!!  I know I talked about Number One's birthday all last week, but I wanted to share these too.  Especially since the theme for Share A Spoon today is CAKE!! (I may have suggested this theme.  You know, maybe. But I'm not alone...others want their cake and eat it too!)  I was going to link up this cake....which was my first time making homemade icing.

But I thought I would go a little more non-traditional route...
Cake Batter Pancakes!

1 1/2 cups all purpose flour   I used 1/2 cup whole wheat

2/3 cup yellow cake mix 

1 tablespoon sugar

3/4 teaspoon baking powder

pinch of salt

2 eggs

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1-2 cups milk *How Sweet used vanilla almond milk. I used skim milk so I added a little extra vanilla extract

assorted sprinkles

Combine flour, cake mix, baking powder, sugar and salt in a bowl and mix. Add 1 cup of milk, eggs and vanilla extract and stir until smooth. You want the batter to look like regular pancake batter; not too thin, not too thick. This will vary greatly on the brand of cake mix you use. Start with 1 cup of milk and add more if needed. I suggest a small taste test as well to see if the pancakes are flavored enough.

Preheat a skillet on medium heat (I use an electric grilled and turn it to 250 degrees). Fold desired amount of sprinkles into batter. Pour batter in 1/4 cup measurements onto skillet and let cook until bubbles form on top, about 2-3 minutes. Flip and cook for 1 minute more. Serve with vanilla glaze.


1 cup powdered sugar

1/2 tablespoon milk

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

assorted sprinkles

Mix milk, extract and powdered sugar until glaze forms. You may need to add a little more sugar or water/milk to reach desired consistency. Mix into glaze and drizzle on pancakes.

****The vanilla glaze would have been really good on these, but I was sending my kids to school and didn't want them on sugar overload (I think cake batter in the pancakes was plenty!), so we topped them with sugar-free pancake syrup. And more sprinkles of course.

My pancakes did not turn out nearly as big and fluffy as How Sweets.  I'm pretty sure I didn't let my pancake batter "rest" long was a school morning! And I added whole wheat flour.  The flavor was good, but not great.  It could use a little tweaking the next birthday that comes around.  They would have been better with the vanilla glaze!  But, the main thing is that it made Number One feel special on her birthday!  She had her party a few days before, on the weekend, so this was a way to honor her actual birthday.  Her special request for her birthday dinner?.....baked cheese sticks (the ones I made not long ago in eggroll wrappers)!  I thought that was pretty funny!  and yes, I made them.  'cuz I'm the greatest Mom ever.  Sometimes.

Now go check out all the other fabulous recipes at Think Tank Momma, Feeding FourMiz Helen'sIt's a Keeper, and Flip Flops & Pearls

Other linkys and hops can be found here.


  1. These sound absolutely heavenly. My kids are big cake and pancake fans....Must try!

  2. That is a fabulous idea. I love pancakes and cake! Perfect for a birthday breakfast of champions.

  3. Yummy!! I love recipes :) I started a whole new blog just for recipes since I had a backlog on my "regular" blog! I'm stopping over from Tammy's blog hop and I am your latest follower!

  4. these sound great!

  5. These look great!! Thanks for stopping by Keeping Up With The Rheinlander's. The TNT button for LLS is in support of a blogger friends mom : ) I hope you have a great Thursday!

  6. these look soooo yummy!!!! I saw them and I immediately knew that these would need some frosting!! :)

  7. What a great idea. These sound amazing. I'll have to try them this weekend!


  8. That is such a cute idea. I mean seriously, cake and pancake all rolled into one? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

    Thanks for Sharing! (and theme!!)

  9. Hi Kim,
    This is a super idea. I am already thinking about when I can use it for a Happy Birthday Breakfast. Your recipe looks very good. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope to see you next week!

  10. I absolutely love this idea and since one of my girls have a birthday next month I think I am going to do this! Sounds fantastic!

  11. Great idea! My husband makes a pancake-cake every year for my son's birthday, this would be perfect.

    I'd love to have you stop by and share this recipe on Sweet Tooth Friday.

  12. My kids would love these! Thanks for sharing--we have a birthday coming up in a couple weeks. :)

  13. What a great idea! My boys would surely love, love, love these. Your cake looks beautiful, by the way :)

  14. Oh my goodness! Cake batter pancakes. So yummy!

  15. my boys would LOVE these!!

    Thanks for sharing at What's Cooking Thursdays! You're one of the featured recipes this week.

  16. Wow! These sound like the perfect bit of over the top indulgence for a birthday.
