Thursday, April 7, 2011

Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies (egg free)

Oh yeah, she's back!  I know, this is probably the longest I've been without posting something chocolate.  It's been hard.  It's been like, a whole week!  I wish I could say I haven't consumed anything chocolate but....

My son has something called 'Cookie Night' at his preschool tonight.  The kids will go in their pj's and sing songs and then eat cookies.  I'm not sure the point of cookie night, but it gave me an excuse to make these cookies!

Now, if you have a child with food allergies, a table set up with dozens and dozens of potential allergens, in our case eggs and nuts, is not my idea of a good time.  I mean, how hard is it going to be to tell a 2 y/o (very soon to be 3!) that he can't have any of those cookies that everyone else is eating?!  I'm having anxiety just thinking about it now.  So, I decided to make a cookie that would be safe for him to eat, yummy for everyone else, and just pack him a little container to tide him over until we can excuse ourselves OTD.  (out the 'doe')

I went through a few allergy friendly sites that I have bookmarked and chose this recipe.  It sounded easy and I was looking for a simple, basic chocolate chip cookie.  I also did not want to experiment since it was already getting late and I had to feed these to other people.

Egg-free Chocolate-Chocolate Chip Cookies from 9to5to9

■1/2 c. butter or margarine, room temperature

■1/2 c. granulated sugar

■1/2 c. firmly packed brown sugar

■1 1/4 c. all-purpose flour

■1/2 c. cocoa

■1 tsp. baking soda

■1/4 c. cooking oil *I used canola

■2 tbl. water

■1 c. baking chips *I used abt 3/4 cup of semi-sweet chocolate chips

Use a mixer at medium speed to cream butter and sugars until fluffy, about two minutes. Slowly add flour, baking soda and cocoa. Add oil and water until completely combined. Stir in baking chips with a spoon.

Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls on ungreased cookie sheet, two inches apart. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes (depending on size) at 350 degrees. Cool on sheets for three minutes. Remove from sheet and cool completely.
These cookies were good.  I can't imagine that anyone will know that they do not contain eggs.  They had a great texture, slightly crispy on the outside, chewy on the inside.  That being said, I know these cookies could be even better!  I can't wait to play around with the recipe. Once I do, I'll post it, but this is a great base recipe if you have to cook egg-free or just want to or want to make cookies really bad and realize you have no eggs and don't want to go to the store.  It happens. 
Also, check out who I'll be linking this recipe up with HERE!  You'll find lots of other great recipes.  Thanks to Feeding Four for featuring my Cake Batter Pancakes today :)

Update 5/5/11 - Linking up with Eat at Home: Ingredient Spotlight - Brown Sugar!
Update 2/13/13 - Linking up with Finding Joy in My Kitchen for Ingredient Spotlight - Chocolate!


  1. These look delicious. Your son will be very happy with these cookies. What a terrific mom!

  2. Yeah for chocolate! Boo for no SaS! :(

    I've never tried cookies without eggs, ya know other than short bread. I"m going to give these a try. :D

  3. Yum! These look good. My boys would love them!

    Thanks for sharing at What's Cooking Thursdays!

  4. Hi Kim,
    These look like great cookies,chocolate, chocolate chip yummy! Wish I had one for a bedtime treat. Thank you for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope to see you next week!

  5. As someone with a severe peanut allergy myself, I understand how scary it is to navigate a table full of homemade treats. These cookies look lovely, and even though I can have eggs, I'd love to try them!

  6. The best part about these is that you can eat the cookie dough and not worry!

    Thanks for linking up with Sweet Tooth Friday, I've Stumbled your recipe too.

  7. We also have food allergies in our family - my 11 year old son has a peanut allergy and my 2 year old nephew has both peanut and egg allergies (like your child). Situations where food is shared, like at parties etc, make me cringe but I always come prepared with a safe option.

    I'm always on the lookout for tasty and safe treats to bring to family functions. I'll definitely try this recipe and share it with my sister. Thanks so much!

    Btw, all the recipes on my blog are either peanut/nut free or can easily be made peanut/tree nut free. I'm trying to find more gluten and egg free recipes. Come check me out if you have some free time. :)

