Friday, April 22, 2011


How awesome are we?!  Cookie decoratin' fools. 
Isn't the yellow duckie the best? What about the blingin' egg on the left?
Ok, so they might be mine.
My artists, hard at work.  What you can't see in the pic is how their mouths and hands are all shades of red, pink, etc. from where they were eating as many decorations as they were using on the cookies! 
And with some of the dough, I had to try out my new mini cookie cutters.  Are they not the cutest things you've ever seen?  Oh yeah, you'll be seeing these again.  Homemade animal crackers are in our future.  I love these little bad boys, and they are the perfect size for Mr. Three!

Now, you're probably wondering about the recipe for above cookies.  Well.....hmmmm, well, the cookies....uhm, well, the cookies....sucked.  They were mucho bland.  It was a new egg free recipe that I tried, and it just wasn't very good.  Of course, my little man likes them anyway.  The girls added so much frosting and sprinkles, you can't really taste the cookie - so they were fine with it.  However, I hate to post the recipe when I didn't think they were very good AND the dough was kind of hard to work with.  So...I'll be trying some others out next time! Especially since NATIONAL COOKIE WEEK is coming up!  May 2-8!!  I know, I'm pretty excited about it too!  A whole week, devoted to cookies!!  Simply awesome. 

You want in on the week of utter bliss?  Cookies galore?!  Got some favorites you need an excuse to make, or have new ones you've really wanted to try?!  Hook up with @TheGayGourmet and @schmackarys on Twitter.  It's gonna rock.  I'm having visions of dark chocolate dancing in my head.

Now, gotta run and see if I can make Hot Cross Buns!

Hope everyone has a Good Friday :D


  1. I am very impressed with your cookie decorating skillz. and the lil' ones are so cute!

  2. I love hand-iced cookies. What a fun time and a fabulous treat!

  3. Ok... So I've been wanting to make cookies, but have been lacking motivation. Yours are TOO CUTE! I think I just found the inspiration I needed!

