Saturday, May 14, 2011

Dump Cake and Southern Cookbooks

Dump Cake.  That's got to be one of the worst names for a cake.  It's not even a 'cake' cake.  It's more like a cobbler maybe.  However, dump cobbler sounds even worse.  Whatever.  It actually has other names, but I have always known it has 'dump cake', so that's what I'm calling it.  It can be found at most coverdish events all around the South. 

I had to bring a dessert to my child's school the other day for a luncheon they were having and (as usual) wanted something quick and easy.  I went perusing some of  my old cookbooks...
like this one...copyright 1978.  I love to look through church cookbooks.  You get all these great traditional Southern recipes by women in the church like Mabel, Doris, Agnes, Annie Mae; and you can always find a great coverdish recipe.  There isn't a Baptist church around that doesn't put on a coverdish on a pretty regular basis!

I decided to make this-
You can't tell much from the picture, but trust me, it is sooooo good.  And super simple.
I used blueberry pie filling instead of cherry and I only used 1 stick of butter instead of 2.  Because damn, I'm trying to feed the people, not send them into cardiac arrest.  I also omitted the pecans in case of food allergies, but it is really good with them.  So, thank you Miss Jean and Miss Ellen for providing the recipe.  (From a cookbook that was printed when I was 6 y/o just in case you were wondering)  I'm not sure how I came to own this particular cookbook, but I think it came from my mom.

The dessert was a hit, so that was good.  You hate to be known as 'that mom who brought that nasty tasting dessert that time'.  Now I can be called 'that mom who never volunteers but sent that yummy blueberry stuff that time'.  And just for the record, it's very hard to volunteer your time when you have a 3 y/o wild man who I would have to spend all my time chasing down while trying to work carnival booths, set up book fairs, serve at luncheons, proctor tests, etc.  So there.  Get off my case!  Oh sorry, I'm not talking to you.  I think I'm just talking to my guilty conscience.  Paah-leeeeze....all moms out there....give yourself a break.  We are much harder on ourselves than anyone else is.  And if you have a critic, well, screw 'em go make them a dump cake ;) 

As most of us are aware, Blogger was having major issues this week.  My last post, for the yummy Cornbread Buttermilk Biscuits was deleted.  I'm going to wait around a little longer and see if it magically reappears.  If not, I'll repost next week. 

I'm linking this recipe up at Sweets for a Saturday


  1. yum! what a great cake!

    Congrats on winning the nunaturals giveaway! Please send me your mailing address at Thanks!

  2. I love cookbooks! I just gave away over 50 and still have over 50, mostly church and community ones that have all those personal favorites!! I also remember making dump cakes back in the late 70's and 80's!!

  3. Love Dump Cake.....and agree with you on the name!! ;)

  4. ohhhhhhhhhh I bet that is good!!!!
    Have a great sunday

  5. I could hardly even comment on Blogger posts last week - so annoying!

    I love old church cookbooks - the last one I got was from my Aunt Cele - she lives in Hilton Head South Carolina - you just reminded me that I need to pull it out and see what I can find!

    Apparently no one was concerned with calories in 1978! :D

  6. Community cookbooks are the best for recipes. They have hidden secrets in them that make delicious food.

  7. Never had dump cake...but I will now, 1 stick of butter and all!!
