Thursday, May 26, 2011

Most awesome banana bread

First I should mention that I'm not really a fan of banana bread.  I don't like bananas.  However, this is Not Your Ordinary Banana Bread!  You know with a blog titled "The Girl Who Ate Everything", she knows what she's talking about.  I wanted to make a little appreciation gift for my son's preschool teachers since his last day of school was last week.  They didn't get the cookies for Teacher Appreciation Week, so I felt like a baked good was in order!  I had some very ripe bananas in the freezer, so I started thinking about banana bread.
The title is perfect - Not Your Ordinary Banana Bread...because this is sooo good!  Moist and delicious.

 Ingredients -

¾ c. butter
2 eggs
1 ½ c. brown sugar
about 2 cups mashed banana *this was 5 medium to small bananas for me
1/2 c. crushed pineapple 
1/2 c. applesauce  *I used unsweetened
1 ½ tsp. baking soda
½ tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla
½ tsp. cinnamon 
1/2 t. pumpkin pie spice
2 ½ c. flour
1 cup chopped pecans
Pour into 3 medium bread pans and sprinkle with 1 bag of milk chocolate chips. Bake at 325 for 55 minutes to 1 hour.  I used mini loaf pans, and made 4 plus another "half loaf" in a regular size loaf pan.
The pineapple and applesauce make this a moist bread, with a nice hint of flavor.  It's not too "banana-y" if that makes sense!  I decided to skip the chocolate chips (shocker, I know!) and went with the pecans.  I thought they worked very well in this bread.

I also added some cookies to the teachers' gift...and I will post those soon.  Right now I'm having major computer issues which are driving me bonkers.  I always use Internet Explorer, and it won't let me sign in to Blogger since some tech guys "cleaned up" my computer. Something to do with cookies, and I've done all the troubleshooting it says to do.  So, today I'm using Firefox, which I'm not familiar with, and nothing is working like it's supposed too.  I wish I was a total computer geek.  And while I'm complaining, the computer is still running sllllooooowwww.  That, combined with PMS, is making me want to chunk the laptop through a window.  But that would be extreme.  (Not to mention, my husband would be pissed!)  Anyway, I'm assuming I'll get it all worked out eventually.  Wish me luck.

I'm linking this recipe up with It's a KeeperFeeding FourMiz Helen's Country Cottage, This Chick Cooks, Little Brick Ranch, and Sweet as Sugar Cookies, Eat at Home


  1. That sounds good, I think pineapple sounds like a great addition. :)

    I'm hosting a Father's Day giveaway if you'd like to check it out. :)

  2. Pumpkin pie spice in banana bread. That was all you needed to say. Looks fantastic!

  3. Looks yummy. I love banana bread. Hey - can you freeze bananas? I've never tried it.

  4. That banana bread recipe does intrigue me with the pineapple. It looks so yummy. Good luck with your computer issues! It can be so frustrating when computers don't do what we want. I wanted to invite you over to show off your banana bread at These Chicks Cooked Recipe Spotlight. Have a good one!

  5. Hi Kim,
    Oh girl, I can tell why this Banana Bread would be awesome. It looks so moist that it could be pie. I will be making this recipe for us very soon. Thanks for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and come back soon!

  6. Yum...Love the way you add pineapple and applesauce in the batter to keep it nice and moist! Thanks for sharing this recipe. What a nice gesture to gifting these goodies to the teachers.

    BTW, I'm hosting a little Giveaway on my blog. Please stop by to enter when you have a chance. Here's the link:

    Have a wonderful weekend.


  7. This banana bread looks so fantastically moist and sounds full of flavor. I have a sweet treat linky party going on at my blog and I'd like to invite you to stop by and link your bread up.

  8. Thanks for stopping in to show off your banana bread recipe at These Chicks Cook. Hope you can come back by and share another recipe Wednesday. Have a wonderful week :)

