Saturday, June 4, 2011

Orange Ginger Dark Chocolate Scones

Orange ginger. Ginger Orange. Orange and Ginger Scones with Dark decide what to call them.  I'll just call them "da bomb baby!"  These bad boys were sooo good.  And with the orange, ginger and dark chocolate...they're practically a health food! (denial, denial, denial)  I need to be eating healthy to reach my 15 lb weight loss goal for the 101 Days of Summer Challenge.

This week - Tues: Power Sculpting class (1 hour)
                    Wed: 15 min abs class (technically, I was late, so it was more like 10 minute abs)
                              Spin class (1 hour) *wowza!
                     Fri:  15 min abs (on time to this one!)
                             Body Sculpting (1 hour)

So....YAY for getting in exercise @ least 3 days this week, I've got some sore muscles today!.  BOO - NO change on the scale.

Could it have anything to do with these?
hmmm, possibly.

Orange and Ginger Dark Chocolate Scones
Adapted from this recipe

1 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon baking powder

3 tablespoons sugar

1 teaspoon ground ginger

pinch of salt

1/2 stick Smart Balance 50/50, cut into small pieces

zest of one medium sized orange (about 1 tablespoon)

3/4 cup dark chocolate chips

1/2 cup plain 0% fat greek yogurt

1/2 cup skim milk

Preheat oven to 425°.

Combine flours, baking powder, sugar, ginger and salt in a bowl and mix until well blended.

Add butter to dry ingredients and mix until butter is spread throughout.

Add dark chocolate and orange zest and gently stir.

Gently mix in milk and yogurt until you’re able to switch to kneading it with your hands.  I had to add

additional flour at this point, b/c the dough was super sticky.

Form dough into an 8 inch circle and cut into eight slices.

Separate slices and place on a silicone mat covered baking sheet.

Bake for 15 minutes or until light brown. 
I added some crystallized ginger to the tops of a few scones, and next time I will chop it up and add to the mix, as it adds a lot of flavor and is delicious with the orange/dark chocolate flavors.
Someone was fascinated with the chocolate chips.

These would have been really good with a vanilla-orange glaze (confectioner's sugar, vanilla, juice of orange), but I didn't want the added sugar.  Honestly, I was also feeling lazy and didn't want to take the time to mix it up.  I was ready to eat.  As usual.  My only complaint was that the next day, the scones were a little dry.  The glaze would probably help with that a little, or maybe I should add more butter.  Lots of recipes call for more than 1/2 a stick.  However, they were not too dry, and it's a rarity that any baked good lasts more than a day around here!

I wonder how many squats and bicep curls I need to do to burn these babies off?  More than I want to imagine I'm sure!


  1. Hello, I'm following you from Between The Lines blog hop. Make sure you stop by my page and check out all the tabs- I'm looking for more people to help me with my blog, maybe you would be one of those people; just go check it out :) I will be checking out your recipes and trying some out, when I do- I'll link back to you :)

    Name's April, 23, 2 kids, and a hubby- a dog and a cat. I'm about to start working again for the first time in over 2 years, unpaid, but it's going to be awesome. My life is crazy and chaotic, and so is my blog- hope you enjoy!! :)

    twitter: createachange8


  2. Congrats on the exercise. Great job getting out there. The optimist in me will tell you muscle weighs more than fat so it will take time to see a difference in the scale. Don't give up. :)

    I wouldn't be able to resist those yummy choc chips either.

    Bella Vida by Letty
    Have a great weekend.

  3. Those look so yummy!! Thanks for sharing the recipe!! I am happy to be your newest follower...please stop by for book club if you're interested--connie,

  4. totally healthy. :) well, healthier than some things, at least! they look awesome!

    thanks for linking up to mangia mondays!

