Thursday, June 9, 2011

Skinny Girl Margaritas

If I want to get my drink on, Tequila is my fave.  I love me some Beer Margaritas, Margaritas (on-the-rocks, with salt!), pretty much any drink featuring Mr. Tequila.  However, margaritas on not exactly calorie friendly.  Which is why you may have heard a lot of talk about Skinnygirl Margaritas.  Personally, I haven't seen the mixer around here, so I haven't tried it.  But the girl behind Skinnygirl, Bethenny Frankel, is also an eHow Contributor, and she has put the instructions online for you to make your very own "skinny girl" at home!
How to Make a SkinnyGirl Margaritathumbnail

  • 1
    Make a Skinny Girl on the rocks by adding ice to a rocks glass, add 2 oz. (a two-count) of white tequila, the juice of four lime wedges and a splash of Triple Sec, Grand Marnier or Cointreau. It's that easy!

  • 2
    If you're ordering a Skinny Girl at a bar, you can have it on the rocks, but replace the Triple Sec, Grand Marnier or Cointreau with a splash of frozen margarita mix. You get the same great flavor and a little bit of a different texture.

  • 3
    If you want a frozen margarita, combine all of the ingredients in a blender; just make sure that there is 2 oz. of tequila per serving and you're ready to go. Serve in a chilled glass--and if you'd like to garnish the glass, rim it with a lime and dip in salt or sugar or both.

  • so THANK YOU Bethenny!

    Now, I really need to get to the liquor store to get some Grand Marnier, but that's really
    difficult with 3 kids.  Can't leave them in the car outside the ABC store, can't exactly drag them all in.  It's a dilemma.

    Enjoy this Thirsty Thursday!


    1. Ironically, I just bought her Skinny Girl margarita mix last night! They only had the one variety, but I really enjoyed it. :)

    2. I love margaritas too. You are right about the calories though. Whew! They can hurt a diet quick and in a hurry. Not to mention they can hurt you bad the next day too.

      However, with the skinny girl version I think we can avoid at least a little of the sting! Yeah!

    3. I dont like tequila, but still this sounds good!

    4. ha, i always feel guilty if i buy beer at the grocery store and charlotte is with me!

    5. I have had certain issues with tequila since the night I drank it straight out of the bottle 19 years ago but I still love a good margarita every now and then!

    6. How else are they going to learn how to buy liquor? Just kidding!

      Skinny girl margaritas are delish

    7. *giggle* What's ABC to you? Round these parts it means Adult Book and Cinema. You know, the 18+ shop. *raises eyebrows* Is that the kind of "liquor" store you go to? lol. You can take kids into a liquor store, can't you? I think I have. Not that I go there much.

      Oh, and thanks for the skinny marg recipe. Love love love me some maragaritas. I had a friend come to town recently and she made me jalapeno margaritas. Just soak sliced jalapeno in the tequila for a few hours (or less, but the longer it sits in there the spicier it gets - be WARNED!!!) and mmm. delish. But kinda burned my stomach so like I said, be warned.
