Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tuesday randomness

completely random thoughts (b/c I'm to tired to do otherwise...)

Boot camp at the YMCA kicked my a*s yesterday! It was so hard.  We did something called "gorilla walks" and the intructor informed me that I did great on those....I looked just like a gorilla.  Maybe it's just me, but I'm not feelin' that as a compliment.  Then she asked me if the little college girl I was talking to was my daughter!  So now I'm an old gorilla.  Great.  (ok, so technically I AM old enough to be the kids mom...but still, I've never been called out on being old before. Other than by my children of course.)  Instead of paying for a gym membership I should be looking into botox injections or something.

I made risotto for the first time last night for dinner.  Holy YUM! There will definitely be a blog post on it very soon.  So good.

What else is good?
Bacon=more boot camp

My daughter scored 4's on her EOG's!!  If you don't have those where you are - it's the end-of-grade tests kids have to take starting in the 3rd grade.  The public school system puts A LOT of emphasis on them and my child was stressed out, so I was so glad when they were over.  And very proud of her (a 4 is the highest you can score! Not that I'm bragging or anything. I totally am.)

Why? oh why?! does my 3 year old son not want to use the potty?!  I'm talking no. desire. at. all. to use the toilet.  I've tried pull-ups, I've tried taking him every 30 minutes, I've tried letting him run around naked outside, I've read books, watched videos, I've put him in regular underwear and let him see how gross it felt to wet them...he just kept wetting them.  Then he would take them off and go throw them in the washing machine, ready to put on another pair.  I'm tired of buying diapers!  Any suggestions would be great.  My girls were so easy to potty train....what is up with Mr. Little Man?

Ok, that's it for my random thoughts for the moment.....OH! Except one more thing - I'm almost at 500 followers! That's so awesome!  Thanks to everyone who takes time to read my randomness and I love reading the comments I get.  I feel like I have friends that I've never met! 

Now....power sculpting today!  (My hip hurts. I am an old gorilla.)


  1. I love boot camp. I don't do mine through the Y but through my gym. If you're doing boot camp I wouldn't worry about the old comments. No one who is "old" does boot camp! ;)

  2. OLD GORILLA! that is hilarious. and you are NOT old enough to have a college kid.

    that BLT looks delicious. i brought back 2 packs of bagel thins from the beach and i think they would make a great BLT. too bad i bought sausage instead of bacon at the grocery store yesterday. i'm craving some sausage and eggs.

    ew on the potty training. wilson has similar behavior.

  3. You go girl on the 500 followers. I am having the same problem with my boys. They are not interested in potty training. I know what you mean about buying diapers.

  4. Following on Networked Blogs, Google, and liked your FB page. The "Y" workouts may be hard but they are worth it!

    Best wishes,


  5. They used to have a boot camp at the gym at one of my offices - it was hard core!

    I love risotto, just hate that most people put onions in them. My MIL knows my distaste for onions, so subbed in diced granny smith apple - and its so good - here is my recipe for spring time risotto - you've reminded me that I need to make it again!


  6. Mmmmmm bacon....

    I've heard boys are way worse to potty train than girls. I think they have to think it's their idea before they'll even entertain thoughts of doing it!

  7. The BLT looks delicious and I cant wait to see the rissoto post, I love it but have never tried to make it before. I dont know why but it scares me!
