Thursday, July 7, 2011

Stuffed Zucchini

As promised, I'm back with another zucchini dish!  My sister told me about this one, and with all the zucchini I have, I wanted to give it a try.
It's very similar to a stuffed pepper, but you use zucchini as your "base".  Hollow it out, add your filling, top with cheese, and bake.  Pretty simple!

Head over to Kalyn's Kitchen for the original recipe, because I didn't measure a thing! 

I cooked a pound of ground turkey and a pound of italian turkey sausage-casings removed (used half for this recipe and saved the other half for pizza later in the week), added in some onion, a clove of minced garlic, and was supposed to add green pepper, which I managed to leave sitting on the counter - not to be discovered until after the zucchini cups were in the oven!  I added spaghetti sauce to that, enough that it looked like the right consistency, and a little italian blend cheese.

I cut a couple of large zucchini to get 8 zucchini "cups", and after scooping out the inside - leaving a bottom - I filled them with the meat filling, and baked for 20 mins.  Then added cheese, and cooked 10-15 minutes longer, until cheese is brown and bubbly.  I put mine under the broiler for a minute...almost burned them!
Verdict?  A great way to use zucchini!  I love the addition of the sausage, and even the husband ate them!  The kids would not however :( 

I also added fresh basil...
So awesome to have a plate full of food that I GREW!!  The cucumbers were soaked in vinegar with hot banana peppers and basil  - all from the garden! Along with the zucchini of course.

So, if you're just tuning in to "zucchini week" - check out my Oven baked Zucchini Fries, and Amazing Zucchini Muffins


  1. Oh, that looks heavenly! Thanks for posting!

  2. Looks great! We have tons of zucchini too and I'm always looking for new ways to use it. The the day I made zucchini lasagna by replacing the noodles with zucchini.... then of course zucchini bread, fritters, the list goes on. By the end of summer we are completely sick of zucchinis. :)

  3. lol @ the kids. I think that this sounds yummy. One of these days I will give it a try.
    I was just saying to my family, today I am actually cooking. sheeesh.

  4. This looks so good. I'm having a recipe only link party "Cast Party Wednesday". This would be a perfect addition to my party. I would love it if you came by and shared some of your recipes with us.
    I hope to see you there!

  5. I love zucchini and always looking for new ways to cook with it. Although I've had stuffed zucchini before, I've never made it with sauage. Sounds good, so I'll have to try that. Thanks for the recipe!

  6. What a fabulous idea, to stuff the zucchini!! I am saving this for next year as our zukes have already pooped out this year. Just too hot.

    I have tons of zucchini recipes on my blog if your interested.

  7. Beautiful post! It looks so yummy! Thanks for sharing:) Hope to see you on my blog:)

  8. YUM! I have an overabundance of zucchini on it's way...will save this recipe!

  9. This is a great way to use looks fantastic! Another addition to my ever-growing list...this one's going near the top ;)

  10. I've never made zucchini this way, but our zucchini is just starting to come one so I may have to get a little crazy this year. I know my husband would like it. And, sometimes my kids surprise me. :)

  11. We still have a great Zucchini harvest going on and I am looking for as many Zucchini recipe as I can find. This looks like a great idea and I will be making it.Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and sure hope to see you again real soon!
    Miz Helen

  12. This reminds me of my Abuelo-Papa! He always had zucchini in the garden. I'm so sad I did not appreciate it enough when I was little. I sure could use his "Green Thumb"!

  13. Thanks for sharing with
    Simply Delish.
    Hope to see you again next weekend.

  14. Hi, I wanted to thank you for visiting Cast Party Wednesday last week. I would love it if came back tomorrow and shared more of your recipes with me.
    I hope to see you there!

  15. So glad you enjoyed the stuffed zucchini cups!
