Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I scream, You scream...

We all scream for HEALTHY ice cream!!!

fo' realz yo.

I originally saw this on Pinterest (shocker, I know) and just had to give it a try for the kiddos.  I was amazed at the results.

How can this decadent looking treat be healthy you ask?  Because it's made from frozen bananas!  Obviously, I added some extra ingredients to mine, but that's the beauty.  You can make it to suit your individual taste buds.  So, the next time you have some really ripe bananas, slice them up into one inch pieces, place them on wax/parchment paper lined baking sheet, and stick them in the freezer until frozen solid.  Then place them into a food processor (I'm assuming a blender would work for this as well) and blend them up.  The frozen bananas blend into a soft serve ice cream consistency!

Head over to Sophistimom for more details and ideas for add-ins for your healthy ice cream :)  I added cocoa  powder and Sunbutter to ours.  (and just a little bit of stevia)  The pictured serving was from 3 medium sized bananas.  My oldest daughter loved this, and I can't get her to eat a plain banana for anything! 

I'm linking this healthy dish up with FaveDiets, and Eat at Home (ingredient spotlight - Bananas!)


  1. Thanks for this! We always have a banana stash in the freezer, but banana bread is getting old :)

  2. Such a neat idea! I've seen it around alot, but haven't tried it yet.

  3. What a cool dessert idea, thanks for sharing this with my blog hop!

  4. I've made this before and it's unbelievable how close to soft serve ice cream this is...in taste and texture! Yum to the additions!
