Thursday, September 22, 2011

Pumpkin Yeast Bread

Ever since Joanne over at Eats Well With Others posted Pumpkin Yeast Bread, it's been on my bucket list. It's probably what gave me the idea to make Zucchini Yeast Bread when I was drowning in zucchini this summer. (which was delicious by the way).  So, when a Latte' with Ott, A  introduced September's Iron Chef Challenge as Red Star YEAST, I knew exactly what I was going to make!

Of course, you know what they say about 'best laid plans' and all.  I got a terrible upper respiratory infection which pretty much put my baking on the back burner-so to speak.  But, Ott, A. had been so kind as to send me packets of yeast provided by Red Star, so as soon as I was feeling a better, I got into the kitchen.  Besides, I needed this pumpkin bread, it was necessary for my full recovery ;)  What?  There are lots of health benefits to pumpkin.  Okay, so that's just an excuse to make this delicious bread.

However, I needed to make a few changes to the original recipe I coveted.  One, I needed to take out the eggs so Mr. Little Man could eat it.  Two, I really was lazy tired, and wanted to make this in my bread machine.  I took a gamble, b/c when I go making up recipes, it usually doesn't turn out well.  This however....
mmmmm, mmmm, good!

Pumpkin Yeast Bread

1/2 cup plus 2 T. warm milk
1 T. canola oil
1 T. molasses
3/4 cup pumpkin puree
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 t. ground cinnamon *I will increase this next time
1/2 t. ground nutmeg
1/2 t. sea salt
1/2 t. ground ginger
2 3/4 cups flour *I used unbleached all-purpose b/c I was out of bread flour
1 packet of Red Star Active Dry Yeast

Add all ingredients in the bread machine in the order suggested by manufacturer (for mine, you add your wet ingredients first, then dry on top, ending with your yeast).  Use your basic white bread setting.  (this was a 1 1/2 pound loaf)
It passed the little man test!

Come check out some other great recipes using yeast!

Linking up at Life as Mom,  Eat at Home


  1. So glad you entered the Iron Chef Challenge! Your pumpkin bread looks so yummy. Hope you're feeling better soon.

  2. Fall always makes me long for things baked with Pumpkin. This looks so tasty. THanks a Latte' for linking up to the Iron Chef Challenge.

  3. perfect for the first day of fall!!! yummo

  4. Yum love Pumpkin Yeast Bread, your recipe is almost the same as the one I have made. Great Recipe for Fall.

  5. I love pumpkin bread! This one looks really moist (ew I hate the way that word sounds) and delicious.

  6. Mmm! Getting ready for fall with the pumpkin recipe! Sounds fabulous!
