Thursday, September 29, 2011

Share a Spoon - Soup's on!

Today's theme over at the Think Tank is SOUP! While it's still hot and humid here, I'm still preparing for the cooler weather by collecting (aka 'pinning') soup recipes!  (and a mild pumpkin obsession has begun again, see yesterday's post)

The only soup I've made so far this year, is one I've shared before (it's my favorite, and I make it pretty regularly).  This time I did things a little different, in that I had cooked a whole chicken in the crockpot - along with some carrots, celery and onion.  After the chicken was done, I pulled the meat (actually, it just fell off) the bone, put the bones back in the crockpot with the veggies, seasonings, chicken 'juices' (ewww) and water, and let it cook a while.  Then I strained it, and put the broth in the fridge to cool.  After it cooled, I scraped all the fat off the top (ewww again), and then I had a rich, flavorful, chicken broth.  I used the broth, along with some of the leftover chicken, and made this soup.
Sadly, I'm all out of fresh basil :*(

However, I have several more soup recipes on my wish list (aka Pinterest)
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**all photos via Pinterest

Now, if the weather would just cooperate...

Head on over and check out
Think Tank Momma


  1. I'm making two types of soup {corn chowder and chicken enchilada} for our couples group Sunday. I'm glad the temp. is supposed to drop! BTW, extremely jelly about "pinning!" What's a girl gotta do to get an invite?!

  2. It's been hot here too. Boo!'s supposed to be in the 50s Sat and Sun mornings this weekend! I am stoked!

    Those all look fabulous! Mmmm....I think we might have a different soup all week next week! Ha!

  3. I love soups of all kinds! The wild rice one is pretty good. I'm going to have to try the healthy Ramen noodle one.

  4. Soup is so seductive on cold nights; I'm just waiting for the humidity and heat to back off so I can finally get busy with some new recipes! Looks delicious.
