Friday, November 4, 2011

Halloween Glam

Posting has been slack this week so I am just now getting some Halloween pics up! I have been super busy trying to get my house in order.  And no, that's not metaphorical, I've seriously been trying to get the house in order.  It had just gotten out of control.  I think the dust fairy came and threw up in every room, not to mention my kids do not pick up ANYTHING.  Ever. So...this week I used all my free time to clean - no working out, very little cooking, and limited computer time.  It sucked - but I have a house that doesn't give me a panic attack every time I look around!  Nor am I completely embarrassed to have some one stop by.  So, come on over! Just kidding. I hate visitors.  Haha, kidding again.  Sort of.

Anyway, on to the pics (I'm a little loopy since for some unknown reason I've been waking up every morning around 5AM)

The Mo'Betta clan...
Mr. Three - MMA fighter
Number One - "Frankie Stein" from Monster High
Miss Two - can you guess?....Ke$ha!  Yes, my 8 year old wanted to be Kesha. *sigh*

Thankfully, my fashionista sista came to the rescue with Kesha hair and makeup!

And to the children's costume makers - WTH are you thinking?!  That Monster High costume was so short it was ridiculous (and my 10 year old is average height for her age).  There is no way she could even think about bending over in that thing.  Is that supposed to be cute for a 10 year old?  I know I could have just not bought the stupid thing, but instead I sewed tulle under the skirt to make it look less hoochy.  She also wore shorts under it.  Anyway, that's my bitch moment about the costumes.  What can I say, really.  I let my younger daughter go as someone who sings lyrics like "turn around boy let me hit that".  Of course, she doesn't know that song.  Blah, blah, blah ;)

Hope y'all had fun! Have a great weekend!


  1. I'm with ya! Apparently the costume makers are not parents. It gives me heart palpitations to walk down the costume aisle. Even for myself, I saw a cute Eskimo woman costume, which was totally cute, except for the fact that is was a short skirt. Like any Eskimo woman would be caught dead (haha, literally) in sub zero temps with a mini-skirt. Sheesh. I'm a mom, not a floosy.

  2. Is that how you spell floosy? Floosey? idk. i give up.

  3. I love that she was Ke$ha! Only she could pull that off.

  4. love the costumes...and I especially love you sewed in the tulle...some costumes are shocking!

  5. Love the pics Kim! Great idea on how to fix the skirt - I have no idea what some companies even think of when they make kids costumes!
