Monday, November 7, 2011

Slow Cooked Sticky Chicken

I don't know about y'all, but I'm all for making dinner as stress free as possible.  It's even more important now that the kids have started all of their extracurricular activities...karate, soccer, Girl Scouts, and soon - basketball!  It makes getting a decent dinner on the table a challenge.  So, I've been gathering up recipes to try - either freezer meals or crock pot meals - anything that can be done ahead of time.  This crock pot chicken recipe was a winner at the Mo'Betta house.

Slow Cooked Sticky Chicken 

adapted from Full Bellies. Happy Kids

3/4 cup brown sugar*
1/4 cup soy sauce
2 T. minced ginger (or 1 tsp ground)
4 cloves minced garlic *I used 2
1/2 tsp cayenne or red pepper
3 lbs. chicken (whatever parts you like!) I used boneless, skinless breasts
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup tomato paste

  1. Combine 1/4 cup of the brown sugar, 2 T. soy sauce, ginger, garlic and pepper. 
  2. Add chicken and toss to coat.  At this point, I froze my chicken - then the day before I was going to cook it, I put it in the fridge to thaw.  It marinates while thawing.  I'm assuming you could also just throw it in the crock pot frozen, since I cook chicken from frozen all the time.  
  3. Place chicken in a slow cooker and cook on low for about 4 hours or until done (will be longer if chicken was frozen).  
  4. When done, place chicken in a broiler proof dish.  Combine remaining *1/2 cup sugar (I used 1/4 cup), water, tomato paste and remaining soy sauce.  Brush on chicken and cook under the broiler for about 5 mins or until chicken is slightly crisp (or sauce looks all bubbly and thick, since I used skinless chicken).

Verdict - My kids and husband really liked this.  I thought it was a little too sweet - but hey, if the rest of the family liked it, I'm a happy camper!  We had brown rice with this (cooked in my steamer), green beans, and pumpkin cornbread!

I'm linking this recipe up at these great places: Beyer Beware, Delightfully Dowling, A Southern Fairytale, Skip to my Lou, The Girl Creative, Making the World Cuter; The Gooseberry Patch

  Slow-Cooked Sticky Chicken Awarded Recipe of the Day from Circle of Moms 03/13/13!


  1. Oh wow, that looks so appetizing! Love that cayenne in there! :)

  2. Mmmmmm!! This looks delish!

    Happy Monday!

  3. I always feel like any glaze that has the word "sticky" in it, has to be a good one. This proves me right!

  4. This looks so awesome - Pinning now!

  5. Oh yeah....this is a "pin worthy" recipe if I've ever seen one. It looks ah-mazing!

  6. Oooh this looks yummy!! Would love it if you would stop by and share this at my linky party going on right now :)

  7. I love my slow cooker this time of year. That chicken looks amazing to me. I like it sweet. :) Though my kids change their minds about what they like, depending on the minute. :)

  8. These flavors sounds like great combos! Maybe a little less brown sugar if you think it was too sweet would still have the same effect. Going to try it! Thanks for sharing on Hunk of Meat Monday.

  9. This sticky chicken looks divine. I especially like that you broiled it in the end. I have to try it!!

    Christy @ toolsforkitchens

  10. I love your kid friendly recipes!! thank you or sharing them. My son is a very picky eater and the Sticky Chicken was a big hit!!

  11. I made this tonight and the flavor was great! I didn't do the final sauce or broiler part because I had impatient mouths to feed. The chicken was easily shredable so that's how I served it for something different. And my picky 2 and 4 year olds both loved it! One even said, totally unsolicited, "Mama, i love this meat!"

    However, the texture in general was kinda rubbery. Is this from overcooking or skipping the broiler part? I don't have much crock pot experience. :)

    Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Sara! Glad your family enjoyed this. It's a hit with my kids too! Did you use chicken breasts for this? It seems like all the chicken breasts I have cooked lately, regardless of the method, seems rubbery! I'm not sure what the deal is, I thought it was just me. I haven't tried this with boneless, skinless thighs, but you may find the texture a little better, especially in the crockpot...that's what others have told me anyway! The broiling part just makes the sauce thicker and 'sticky', and would crisp up the skin (but I've only used skinless). Maybe someone else will chime in and help us with our rubbery chicken :-)

  12. Rubbery usually equals overcooked. I find I have better luck when I start with frozen chicken breasts.

    1. Good point. I frequently overcook meat, so I've invested in a meat thermometer. That seems to have helped!
