Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Giveaway from General Mills

If your kids are anything like mine, they love a straw. Especially the big, curvy, crazy straws. So, it was no surprise to me that when they saw this package arrive - they were excited!
Why is putting crazy straws in a box of cereal a good idea?  
To prevent all that milk from being left in the bottom of the bowl! 

 My children don't even realize they are drinking the rest of their milk while they are 'playing' with the straws. (I also like the bowls you can buy with the built in straws for this purpose.)  It's becoming more and more of a challenge to get my older kids to drink milk.  My youngest still loves it, but the girls have to be 'urged' to drink it.  Chocolate milk usually works, but I was pleased that by using the crazy straws, they finished their milk and it was "hassle free"!  Anything that makes my kids do like I want without a bunch of fussing is good to me!  Kids of all ages can collect and connect the different straws (available in specially marked packages of General Mills cereal) and while they are having fun, they are also increasing their calcium intake!  As you know, calcium is very important for strong teeth and bones.

General Mills and MyBlogSpark have teamed up once again to offer a generous and fun giveaway.  The prize package will include everything you see in the above photo (the participating cereals may vary, my package included Honey Nut Cheerios).  The participating cereals are Cinnamon Toast Crunch® (17 oz.), Lucky Charms®(16 oz.), Reese´s® Puffs (18 oz.), Honey Nut Cheerios® (17 oz.), Trix®(14.8 oz)  and Cocoa Puffs® (16.5 oz).  

Giveaway package includes: 
  • 1 box of a participating Big G cereal
  • 1 Curvy Straw
  • 1 `spilt´ milk bowl
  • 2 glow cups
  • 2 tangle toys
Don't want to wait for the giveaway? Save $1.25 with the purchase of two participating General Mills cereal boxes.  Just click HERE!  Interested in learning more about Big G cereals? Check out the  Whole Grain Nation website.

The 'glow cups' were a HUGE hit with my 4 year old!  Just check out this video clip...
What a little nut! And yes, the video clip is sideways. I'll learn how to use all my technology one day.  Maybe.

To enter the giveaway, just follow the instructions in Rafflecopter.  You can do as many or as few of the options as you would like.

Disclosure:  The prize pack, information, and giveaway have been provided by General Mills through MyBlogSpark.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Just gotta say these are awesome. Don't have kids - I want that milk bowl all. to. my. self. Oh man.
