Wednesday, April 18, 2012

PrintRunner Giveaway!

If you have been reading my blog for a while, you know that my 4 year old son has multiple food allergies.  It has changed the way I prepare, buy and even think about food.  It also is a constant concern as my son gets older and is more involved in activities outside the home.  Preschool, church, friends' houses, going out to eat, even going to a relative's house is always overshadowed by his food allergies.  You have to educate others, constantly monitor what is being eaten, and be prepared for emergencies.  My post here gives an example of why I always have to be diligent and how quickly things can go wrong.
So...where am I going with this?  Well, it occurred to me that it would be very beneficial as my little boy goes 'out into the world' if I had a way to constantly remind people, or make new people aware, of his food allergies. Soon after, I was contacted by a sponsor at PrintRunner about hosting a giveaway.  PrintRunner can handle all your print service needs, with tons of options available (calendars, bumper stickers, postcards, stickers, etc).  They gave me the option of giving away stickers or postcards. I thought STICKERS! That's the perfect solution!  Printing stickers that warn of my son's food allergies!  Easy to see, stick on, remove....perfect!
 I was thinking of something like this.

The winner of this giveaway will get to design their very own stickers too.  Do you want to promote your business? Blog? Label crafts? Labels for your children?  The possibilities are endless, and this giveaway includes a whopping 250 stickers!

Details of the giveaway prize:     Stickers
            Sticker Shape        :            Standard Stickers
            Flat Width        :                 2"
            Flat Height        :                3.5"
            Quantity        :                    250
            Paper            :                   Premium Sticker Stock
            Colors            :                  Full Color ( 4 Color Process), Black and White
            Proof            :                    NONE
            Ready to Ship In    :           3 Business Days

To enter giveaway:  Enter with Rafflecopter!

Disclaimer - I will be receiving a set of stickers for hosting this giveaway.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway