Thursday, May 31, 2012

'Lightened Up' Apple/Snicker Bar Salad

This is one of those dishes that isn't really 'pretty', but taste oh soooo yummy!
I was wondering if anyone would notice the apples in yesterday's What was it Wednesday!

I saw versions of this all over the web, and first spotted it somewhere on Pinterest.  Since I sorta winged this when I made it, I don't have any particular person to give credit to.  For Mother's Day, I decided I wanted needed a lighter dessert, but it still had to have chocolate. (duhhh!)  This fit the bill, and would be great all during the summer.  Speaking of, today is supposed to be 90 degrees with 93% humidity.  Yep, bring on the hot sticky NC weather!

Lightened Up Apple/Snicker Bar Salad (it seems odd to call this a salad)

4 Apples of choice (I used Granny Smith and Pink Lady)
4 regular size Snicker Bars*
1 tub of Sugar Free Cool Whip (regular size, not large) 
1 small box of Vanilla Sugar Free/Fat Free pudding**
1 cup skim milk (optional - see notes)

*I used Almond Snicker Bars b/c I can't eat peanuts

Chop apples into bite size pieces.  You can dip them in lemon juice to prevent browning, but they are going to be covered in cool whip so it doesn't really matter.  If you are going to pre-cut your apples like I did, you may want to do this just so they don't look all yucky (technical cooking term).  Chop your candy bars into small bite size pieces.  This is easier if you have them nice and chilled.  
In a large bowl, add your container of Cool Whip and your pudding (see notes). Fold in your apples, and candy bar pieces (reserving a few to sprinkle on top if desired.)  Chill for about an hour (not really necessary if you are in a time crunch).
**NOTES:  Learn from my experience....if you buy the SF/FF INSTANT pudding - you need to add 1 cup milk to your pudding mix first.  Mix it together and then add to your Cool Whip.  If you buy the SF/FF Cook and Serve pudding, you can just add that to your Cool Whip. 

Oh yeah, and I chopped up a few Hershey's Miniatures too, b/c it didn't seem like enough chocolate ;)  But it's rare that I feel like I have enough chocolate. and it was Mother's Day and all.

You can play around with the recipe and use whatever flavor pudding and fruits you like.
I also made an apple/strawberry version with chocolate pudding! I skipped the candy bars to reduce the calories, but it would be awesome with them! My girls love this.

I'm going to link this recipe up with these fab linky parties - The Newlyweds, It's a Keeper, Miz Helen's Country Cottage, A Little Nosh, Talking Dollars and Cents, Eat at Home


  1. Ohhh my. This looks so good! Apple, caramel and chocolate with Cool Whip? YES PLEASE!!! x3!!!

  2. Love me a good apple "dessert" disguised as a salad! lol

  3. Dessert or Salad or whatever you want to call it....I call it delicious! Apples and's all about balance!

  4. Hi Kim,
    I just love this Salad and am really happy to see you lighten it up for us, it is awesome! Hope you are having a great week end and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  5. i picked all the snickers out of this on mother's day. after most everyone had gotten their first serving. oops.

  6. This recipe looks awesome! Thanks so much for submitting it to for This Month's Healthy Bite. Check out your post and other Cool Whip Recipes at
    Thanks again Kim!
