Saturday, May 19, 2012


Happy Saturday! Since I didn't have to get up with the alarm clock this morning, one of my dogs decided he needed to go pee at 5 AM!!! Damn dog.  So naturally, I have been on the computer while consuming large amounts of caffeine.  One of the things I've been working on this morning is updating my Blog Hops and Linkys Page.  I love to participate in recipe & craft linkys, as it gives me SO many ideas (that I can PINPINPIN).

If you have a link up that you think would be a good fit for my blog, or know of one that is not listed on my page, please let me know! I'd love to add more.  Which reminds me (b/c some of the linkys I was participating in have stopped) you get concerned when bloggers you regularly follow up with suddenly and without warning just stop blogging?!  Please, people, if you are a blogger, and just don't have time to do it anymore....let a sista know!  I'm always worried that somebody died or something horrible has happened.  I have a couple of people in mind, who I have sent messages too, and they haven't responded, which further fuels my ohmigodsomethinghorriblehashappened.  I'm hoping these chicks and their families are okay and they were just too busy to continue.  But what can I say, I'm a worrier.

So anyway, before I continue to ramble on in a caffeine induced frenzy, I better go!  Plus, kids are getting up now.  THEY don't hear the dog at FIVE in the morning...

1 comment:

  1. OMG, I'm the same way. There have been a couple lately that I've been worried about. Funny how just conversations via blogs and emails makes us all feel like old friends.
