Friday, June 15, 2012

Healthier Pancakes for Father's Day

My little man loves pancakes, but with an egg allergy, I have to make them from scratch. I have been fooling around with the recipe for years now, always trying different versions.  

This one is a healthier version using white whole wheat, but taste like 'regular' pancakes!  They would be perfect to serve for a Father's Day breakfast, easy enough for the kids to help out, and tasty enough that the whole family will enjoy. At least ours did!

(This recipe can easily be made vegan as well.)

Whole Wheat Pancakes

3/4 cup milk* (plus 1 Tablespoon)
2 T. white vinegar
1 cup white whole wheat flour
2 T. sugar*
1 t. baking powder
1/2 t. baking soda
1/2 t. vanilla extract
1/4 t. sea salt
1 egg (or egg replacer, like Ener-G; flax/chia egg)
dash of cinnamon (optional)

Combine milk and vinegar and let sit for 5 minutes or so in a medium size bowl. (Makes "buttermilk")
Mix flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt (and cinnamon if using) in a large bowl.
Add egg (or egg replacer) and vanilla to 'buttermilk', whisk together.
Mix wet ingredients into dry ingredients and mix together.  
If using an egg replacer, cook immediately.  If using an egg, let batter sit for 5-10 minutes while griddle/pan is preheating. 
I like to use my griddle, so I can cook several at once.  Spray pan/griddle with a little cooking spray and spoon batter onto hot pan.  Flip when bubbles form around edges of pancake.  This recipe makes about 9 four inch pancakes, so often I double it.  Leftovers freeze well.

*NOTES - could use Almond or Soy milk if desired. Sugar could be replaced with stevia or sweetener of choice. I needed an additional tablespoon of milk once my batter was mixed (noted in ingredients), but if you use a regular egg, that may or may not be necessary.  Finally, for a pancake with the crispy, buttery edges - use butter instead of cooking spray to cook pancakes.  Not as healthy, of course, but I'm sure delicious!
I wouldn't mind having this served to me!
and this little fella enjoyed them.  Several of them :)

Do you have special plans this weekend?!

and don't forget to enter these great giveaways!


  1. My pancakes never turn out that fluffy! Need to try these!

  2. Love fluffy pancakes! Those turned out so great.

    LOVE the new look - its really clean looking.

    My husband's son lives in Texas and since Hannah moved to Chicago, its just us, but my husband has requested surf and turf for Sunday!

  3. That is the sweetest picture of your son carrying the pancakes.. I miss when my guy was that age.. 13 is not fun. Thank you so much for sharing an excellent pancake recipe on foodie friday.

  4. These pancakes really look so fluffy.

    Loved the 1st pic of your son. He looks quite happy with the pancakes all with him.

  5. Thanks for the new pancake idea! Thanks for sharing on our “Strut Your Stuff Saturday”. Hope you come back next week. -The Sisters

  6. Your pancake recipe is really good. I was so happy to come across it. Tried it today and it came out great. I have tried converting pancake recipes to egg free and they just don't seem to work but yours worked fantastic. I added in Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips and subbed the Milk/Vinegar with Sacco Buttermilk Blend. Will be making more of these soon. THANKS!

    1. Becca, thanks so much for letting me know how they turned out for you! We love pancakes around here so there are several egg free versions on the blog. And chocolate chips always make everything better!
