Sunday, July 22, 2012

Anonymous Users

I'm sorry to do this, because every once in a while I get a cool comment from an anonymous user that has tried (successfully!) a recipe found on my blog.  I love hearing back from people, but I have had to block anonymous users from commenting. At least for now.  I am getting SO much SPAM that it is driving me bonkers.  It used to be pretty sporadic, so I didn't worry about it, but now it is fairly constant and filling up my inbox with crap.  So...if for some reason you would like to leave a comment and you are not registered on Google or anywhere, feel free to send me an email (located in the left side bar...sort of hidden in the chaos, but it's there) or send a message via Facebook or comment on Mo'Betta's FB wall (located in the right side bar).  There is also Twitter, Pinterest and who knows what else!  So really, with all the social media available, I guess I shouldn't feel bad that I am blocking anonymous users from commenting here!

Holla! (just not anonymously, lol)

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