Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Halloween Party Pinspirations!

My 4 y/o son will be having a preschool party for Halloween.  I volunteered to do the treat bags.  I'm not sure why, when I could have just said "put me down for the plates & napkins!"  But noooo, in my mind I'm a Martha Stewart clone; in reality...I will put it off until the last minute, frantically stuffing treat bags the night before, in total stress out mode b/c nothing is as cute as I pictured it in my mind. All the while screaming "why didn't I volunteer for paper plates!!"  Is this just me?  Am I all alone in Crazyville?  Just curious.

Now, these kids are 4 years old, so they are not really going to care what is in their bags, as long as they can eat it or play with it.  However, I can't just throw some mess in a bag and call it a day.  Nope, it has to be all creative and cutesified.  (Cute-si-fied -- totally a word I don't care what spellcheck says).  Thank goodness for me there is Pinterest!

Here are a few things I have pinned for the treat bags so far -
Tootsie Pops dressed up as ghosts for Halloween - fun to make with the kids & then handout to friends
http://pinterest.com/pin/101612535313767253/  Ghost Lollipops by disneymike on Flickr

i think i'll do these for preschool class!
http://pinterest.com/pin/101612535313710417/  Making Memories...

Pinned Image
http://pinterest.com/pin/101612535313640297/  Our Best Bites

Witch's Broom
http://pinterest.com/pin/101612535313834911/  Hershey's

A Window into My Heart: Witches' Hats
http://pinterest.com/pin/101612535313640301/ A Window into My Heart

I also have some toys to add.  I bought white lunch bags, and was thinking about either printing on them (I saw somewhere you could do that) or printing out some labels...not sure yet. Any suggestions for either the inside or outside of the bags?  I am going to try really hard not to wait until the last minute to get them done!

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