Friday, December 21, 2012

Easy Teacher Gift Ideas

Chalkboard paint may be my newest obsession. Wednesday, I painted several things, and had ideas for many, many more .... until my children had an intervention. But, but... chalkboard paint is cool!  They said, "you have to stop painting stuff".  So, we settled on a few teacher gifts.  And by "we", I mean "me". My kids are interested for about 2.6 seconds, then they move on to something else.

Unfortunately, I don't have many pics, since I was super busy (because I always wait until the last minute) and I wrapped some before I realized I hadn't taken any pictures! I wasn't about to unwrap, sorry!
I bought jars and plain clipboards from the dollar store. Painted the tops of the jars and the back of the clipboards with chalkboard paint.  For the clipboards, I found some free printable subway art and glued it to the front of the boards.  You can see one here, and the kids wrote a little message to their teachers on the 'chalkboard' on the back.  We added some ribbon to the tops and they ended up super cute!
For the jars...I wrote 'Christmas Crunch' on the tops (b/c putting "white trash mix" didn't seem very festive) and after the picture was taken, I added 'love, mr. three' in the middle.  I added some ribbon (not pictured) to the side with a little handmade (by my MIL) stocking. 


  1. This is such a cute idea, wish I had thought of this before I did all my christmas shopping! There's always next year :)

  2. Such cute ideas!!! Thanks for featuring mine…oh wait…I haven’t done anything for back to school! I’ve got big plans to do something fun this weekend–BIG, I tell ya!

    arnel of Photo Booth NC

  3. What great ideas! Having worked in a school, these would be so encouraging to get the year going and that you’re thought of and appreciated beforehand!

    arnel of NC Photo Booth
