Saturday, December 15, 2012

Gift Idea - photo scanning services

Are you racking your brain to try to come up with the perfect present for a loved one who has everything?! Please don't tell me it's just me!  If you are like me, you put a lot of thought into gifts and want it to be something that the other person will really treasure.  I am definitely not one of those people that runs out Christmas Eve buying anything left on the shelves.  Yes, you know who they are. (Husbands, brothers, etc. Seems to be a common trait in the male species. Just sayin')  Well, I have found a wonderful idea that would make a great gift for several people in my life.  Especially me *ahem*.  Okay, maybe that is a not so subtle hint, but seriously, this is an awesome scanning services!
Take all of those pictures that are sitting around in boxes, all the video cassettes (that the recorders were replaced years ago with a digital one and I can no longer look at), and have them digitized! Preserve all your memories in one, easy accessible (and easy to share and organize) location.  I love this idea, and wish I had thought of it sooner!

Have all your printed photos, slides and negatives (back when we used to take all those rolls of film to be developed!) and have them scanned.  Any reels of film or videos laying around? Have them all put on DVD.  
Pictured above are just a couple of my photo boxes, not to mention the several videos I have of when my oldest 2 girls were little, that are inaccessible.  Don't we want to hold on to each and every precious moment with the people we love?  I want to preserve those memories so I can treasure them for years to come, and share them all with my kids and hopefully their kids as well.  I think this is a great way to do that!

This is a sponsored post, but all content and opinions are 100% my own.

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