Friday, December 14, 2012

Turtle Crescents

As y'all have probably figured out, I have a HUGE sweet tooth. And sometimes, when the chocolate craving strikes, I am at home, unarmed, with limited groceries in the house.  This constitutes an emergency.  It requires a little creativity at times too.  On this particular evening, I wanted something chocolate, but I didn't want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen.  I looked around to see what I had available and saw some crescent rolls in the fridge.  I added few things...and Turtle Crescents were born.  My kids thought they were fabulous! And really, chocolate filled crescent rolls...what could be bad?!
Head over to see my post at Eat at Home for the full (super quick and easy) recipe!


  1. Ahhhh! These look too good to not make! Every carb I love in one!

  2. Uh GENIUS idea! Off to go check out the recipe!
