Thursday, January 31, 2013

Miss Two Turns 10...Pinterest Style

Yep, my little Diva has turned 10. Double digits! I know I say this ALL the time, but I really can't believe how fast time goes by!  

Miss Two is currently all about the zebra, we were zebra'd out for her birthday party.

Even the cake had a little zebra accessory....
And yes, she had a cake {recipe HERE} completely covered in candy. Thank you Pinterest for that inspiration and the thousands of extra calories! (Mine was a little messy, I think I used too much frosting.)

And I got this great little tip from Pinterest too...pre-scoop your ice cream into muffin cups and store in the freezer until ready to use.  It makes 'cake and ice cream time' so much easier!  She had 'Birthday Cake' ice cream. It had chunks of cake in the ice know, because we didn't have enough sugar going on already ;-)  {and I just happen to have zebra print and light blue muffin cups}

The kids came for dinner and a movie, so their party favor was a bag of 'Birthday Cake' popcorn with some "movie theater candy" thrown in. {recipe coming soon}

While watching the movie, they had a little movie theater candy spread...
along with some popcorn.  My children thought this was a much better use of the vegetable tray ;-)

Then I apologized to the parents when they picked their kids up!  I'll post the recipes I used over the next few days, b/c the cake and birthday popcorn were quite tasty!

Linking this up at My Favorite Finds


  1. Pinterest is so a life saver when it comes to parties! LOVE the theme and it all looks so awesome, I love to hear that some of the items I've seen work and taste good. Can't wait to see the rest of the recipes.

  2. That cake is incredible! Also, you should know, there's no such thing as too much frosting. Ever. :) I hope she had a Happy Birthday--it looks like she did!

  3. Love it! And the cake is adorable, too! Zebra print is so in right now! What a little trendsetter you have :). Good luck in the Pinterest Challenge. Thanks for sharing!
