Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Purex Crystals for Baby and a GIVEAWAY!

Last month I posted about Purex Baby laundry detergent, and how it smelled so awesome, and how I couldn't wait to try Purex Crystals for Baby.  Well, as a Purex Insider, I had the opportunity to try it.  They sent me a bottle, and I have already purchased another one, b/c it is that awesome.  I kid you not, it smells amazing! It literally smells....delicious.  Like I want to eat it. (So, maybe keep it out of reach of little ones - because it really does smell good enough to eat!)

Now, if some of you are saying "well, I don't have a baby, so I don't need baby detergent or baby softener", I'm here to tell you, you will want to wash your own clothes with this stuff!  I wash the entire family's laundry in it (and my "baby" is four) b/c I love the smell so much.
Purex Crystals for Baby
Not only does it smell great right out of the bottle, but it has a lasting freshness that is infused in your clothes that last a good while, and leaves them nice and soft.  AND it is safe for my sensitive skin kids.  I have been using unscented stuff for a long time b/c my kids have sensitive skin, so I am super excited that they can now have incredible scented laundry, without any rash or itching. Seriously, it is hypoallergenic and dye free.  It's also safe for high efficiency washing machines. My only complaint is I want it to come in bigger bottles, which is coming soon! (and that Wal-Mart has been selling out as fast as they can get it in, but hopefully that will get better).
So, because I am so in love with these products, and I don't want you to think I'm just trying to promote a product (I don't get paid for this btw), I am giving away a coupon for a FREE full size bottle of Purex Crystals for Baby AND a coupon for a FREE bottle of Purex Baby Detergent. (One winner will get both coupons!)  I want you to try this for yourself, b/c I think you will agree that it smells incredible.

Just enter via the Rafflecopter form. If you are viewing this in email, the form may not come up, just click through to the actual blog post and it should load. a Rafflecopter giveaway

Purex provided me with a sample of the above products in exchange for a product review.  All opinions expressed are my own. They have also provided me with coupons to use as I please, and I will be mailing them to the winner with my own stamps, b/c you guys are awesome. And so am I :-)


  1. my fav is Gain!

  2. My favorite brand of laundry soap is usually whatever is on sale. But I use Purex and All a lot.

  3. I usually use PUREX! But the unscented kind because we all have sensitive skin. I have been using Dreft for Sarah's clothes. Now I am very curious about this new product!

  4. I actually use that kind and love it! We don't have babies (and don't really want any) but I love the way it smells. It's also really cheap compared to all of the others.

  5. My favorite is usually whatever I have a coupon for ;-)

  6. I love Purex and Tide but honestly whatever is cheaper! This looks great!

  7. My favorite laundry detergent is Tropical traditions laundry detergent , it leaves my clothes feeling soft and cleans well.

    RC name; Claudia.

  8. My favorite is the homemade detergent that I make!

  9. I love Purex and Gain :) Thank you for the chance!


  10. I tend to buy Purex because it's less expensive than other brands, but it still does a good job cleaning my clothes.

  11. Tide and Purex... I am currently using the Purex with Zout as a matter of fact!

  12. I really love 7th Generation, but for fabric softener I really love the Purex Crystals, especially the yellow bottle scent


  13. Besides purex, Tide

    Thanks for the chance to win!
