Sunday, March 10, 2013

Menu Monday #3

Well, it looks like my weeknights are going to be consumed by volleyball for the next few weeks.  It has been kinda crazy. What was supposed to be practice 2 nights a week has ended up being an every night thing. It sorta makes dinner time a crazy rush instead of a nice, sit down time with the family.  And by 'nice sit down time', I mean everyone sitting at the table, seeing who can talk over the other, complaining that they are "full" once they have eaten everything but their veggies, dropping stuff all over the floor, and mommy eyeing the liquor cabinet wondering if anyone would notice if I spiked my tea.  Oh, and seeing how frequently I can get the kids to play "the quiet game".  That's dinner at my wonder I'm on Prilosec.

So, for this week, it's more quick and easy meals and using the crock pot. And chicken. (Since I really need to go to Sam's Club and stock up on meat.)

Pinned Image
Dorito Chicken Casserole (will cook chicken in the crockpot, and serve with salad)

Slow Cooker French Dip Sandwiches on
Slow Cooker French Dip Sandwiches
fruit salad
Fruit Salad

Earning-My-Cape: Cornmeal Pancakes
Cornmeal Pancakes with this Blueberry Balsamic Sauce; turkey bacon; fresh fruit?

Crock Pot Beer Chicken Recipe - 3 Points   - LaaLoosh
Crock Pot Beer Chicken (yes, chicken again!)
one pot mac & cheese | everybody likes sandwiches
One Pot Mac n' Cheese (I have some cottage cheese to use up so I'm trying this recipe), probably green beans as a side.

BBQ Plates {School Fundraiser} And I just realized...more chicken!

Clueless about the weekend again!

You can check out last week's menu here if interested.

*All images are from Pinterest and belong to the sites they are linked too

I'm linking up my menu plan over at I'm an Organizing Junkie. SusieQTpies Cafe


  1. That Dorito casserole looks really good. I love doritos.

    1. It was good. I think I would like it better without the Dorito layer in the middle and the bottom, b/c I don't like soft corn tortillas, so if/when I make it again I will do it in a 9x13 with just the chips on top. Doritos are like crack.

  2. YUMMY I'm saving that mac one! The boys would love it!
