Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wordless Wednesday - Goodbye Sweet Summertime

School starts Monday, and the mornings are already cooler, the nights shorter. I'm sad.

No more...
Feet in the sand
*side note* how frightening is this extremely large, close up picture of my thighs. Yikes.

Hanging out at my favorite place

Playing in the water (cell phone pic)

Chillin' by the pool



  1. I haven't been to the beach all summer! Now that all the kiddies are heading back to school, I might go and have the beach to ourselves! Blessings, Tammy

  2. Why is summer so short and winter SOOOOO long??

  3. Wanna trade places? We have summer here all year round!

    Lovely pics,BTW!

  4. as much as I love fall, I hate that summer WEATHER has to end : (

  5. Sigh. It's kinda super depressing, isn't it?
