Monday, March 16, 2015

Crescent Roll Pizza Ring {Quick & Easy Meal or Appetizer}

The weather may not feel like Spring, but the clocks have sprung forward and Spring sports have begun. At least here in the Mo'Betta house. This means that most evenings, right at dinner time, I have to haul my kids across the county to either soccer or volleyball practice. Therefore, dinner has to be something quick and easy. This 'recipe' fits the bill. It's made with crescent rolls, and you can fill it with pretty much whatever you have on hand.
My plan was to make one with ham and cheese, just to discover I had two slices of ham left. *typical* So, I went with plan B...pepperoni and cheese, which I'm sure the kids would prefer anyway. (Except for my youngest who picked out the pepperoni, but he is the pickiest kid on earth.)
Since the kids don't all like sauce (because that would be too easy), I just made this with pepperoni and cheese, then had pizza sauce on the side for dipping. Crescent roll rings would be great for parties and game day food too. They make a cute presentation, can be cut into any size you like, and filled with pretty much anything you want. Since all you have to do is lay the pre-cut crescent roll triangles out on a pan and lay your toppings on, they come together quickly and easily too. Pretty much a win in my book!

Crescent Roll Pizza Ring

2 cans Crescent Rolls (I used Pillsbury Reduced Fat)
2 cups shredded cheese (I used Italian Blend)
Pepperoni (I used turkey) - as many as desired
Italian Seasoning, garlic powder - optional
  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
  • Spray a baking pan or pizza pan with non stick spray (my pizza pan has holes in it, so I put aluminum foil on it, and sprayed the foil)
  • Separate crescent rolls into individual triangles, placing them in a circle on the pan, with pointed ends facing out (so it looks like a sun). The inside of the circle (wide ends of triangle) should overlap. 
  • Place fillings (pepperoni and cheese) over the overlapped/wide portions of the crescent rolls.
  • Take the pointed ends of rolls (outside of circle) and bring them over the toppings, securing the toppings inside. You can tuck the pointed ends under the ring or just pinch the dough together.
  • Sprinkle some cheese, garlic powder, and italian seasoning over the top of the ring if desired. 
  • Bake approx. 20-25 minutes, or until golden and crescent rolls are done.
Recipe adapted from Pillsbury

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  1. Mmm! What a great idea! This looks scrumptious and I can't wait to try it for movie night. Pinning!

  2. My family would love this! Thank you so much for sharing with us at VMG206 Brag About It. Pinning!

  3. This sounds so good, I bet my kids would love it! Thanks for sharing at What'd You Do This Weekend? I hope you will join us again this Monday!

  4. What a fun recipe and I love the presentation. Your post is awesome and thanks so much for sharing it with Full Plate Thursday!
    Happy Spring!
    Miz Helen

  5. OOOO - I love this recipe so much I chose it as my personal favorite at this week's Weekend Potluck party. Thanks so much for sharing with us. Come on over and check out today's party...see you around. =)
