Saturday, November 20, 2010

HaPpY ThAnKsGiViNg WeEk!!!!

Harvest Blessing Mix

Bugles - represents a cornucopia...horn of plenty
Pretzels - represents arms folded in thanks and prayer
Candy Corn - During the first winter, the pilgrims were each allowed 5 kernels of corn per day b/c food was so scarce.
Raisins - Thanksgiving is the celebration of the harvest
Sunflower seeds - Seeds represent the potential of a bountiful harvest for the next season, if they are planted and well tended.
Chocolate chips - What's a mix without chocolate?

In reading that last line you are probably thinking I made this up, b/c, you know, I heart chocolate.  However, my little one brought this home from preschool yesterday and I thought it was very cute!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, and remembers to give thanks  to God for all your blessings. Remember to give thanks for all you DO have, not what you DON'T.  If I learned anything from my Dad's battle with cancer, it's to be grateful for every day that you are here, don't sweat the small stuff, and love, love, love like there is no tomorrow....because tomorrow is not a guarantee.  With that being said, I am so grateful that so far, my Dad is kicking cancer a*s! I pray everyday that it continues, and I pray for all those facing the battle, and for the families who are without a loved one this holiday season because of it.

I'll be taking a little bloggy break this week, as I feel many of us will, so don't forget about me ;)  Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. What a cutesy little saying....and a good excuse to make trail mix!

  2. Hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving. So glad about your Dad.

  3. I'm so happy to hear that your dad is kick cancer's A*S!!!! That makes me smile :) My grandma did the same thing for many years, she was such a trooper.

    You are right, living each day like it is your last is really the way to go through life. NOT because we all think we will die tomorrow, but let's be honest, we only have ONE life to live, so why sweat the small stuff??

    Great recipe, and I love Bugles! Have a fabulous break and enjoy the holidays!

    P.S. Love the new blog look for the season. Looks great!

  4. that is so cool.. I wanna try it. Have a wonderful thanksgiving and a blessed year after.

  5. I am giving you a stylish blogger award. You know I love your blog :-) Come on over and pick it up.

  6. Hey there - I saw that you're following me on twitter, so thought I'd check out your blog :) I hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving with your family! I lost my Dad to leukemia last year, and so I completely understand what it means to be thankful for everything and everyone that you have! Sending prayers your way that your Dad makes a full recovery. Cancer is completely heartbreaking - but I totally believe that remaining positive is half the battle. :) All the best!

