Thursday, February 21, 2013

L'oreal Paris B.B. Cream Review

We are deviating from food today to talk about a new product I have had the opportunity to try.  I don't usually get excited about new skin care products b/c I have such wacky skin.  It's super sensitive and there are SO many things on the market that I can not use.  However, I always like to try new things, b/c I feel like the fountain of youth is around here somewhere. 'Cuz I ain't gettin' any younger.  Partly b/c of my skin sensitivity, and partly b/c I'm just lazy, I don't like to use a bunch of different products on my skin.  My make up routine is very, blush, eyeliner, lip gloss, mascara.  And now, L'oreal B.B. Cream!
I am now sold on this product, and plan on continuing to use it after my free sample runs out.  This one tube does the work of FOUR different products.  It primes and smooths  'perfects' to hide flaws, hydrates, and corrects by evening skin tone. The product has such skincare ingredients as Panthenol, Vitamin E and Glycerin for 24-hour moisturization.  The best part is IT DOESN'T BREAK OUT MY SKIN!  I can wear a primer and moisturizer (in one) that doesn't make my skin go berserk   This is awesome! I have tried primers in the past, to help my makeup stay on longer (since it's oily), but the one I tried was chalky and didn't go on well.  This one is so light, you think it isn't doing anything, but it is! It helps cover imperfections (like some of my dark spots, and fine lines), it goes on completely smooth - no chalkiness, and it hydrates.  

I can't believe I am posting these, but I am hoping you can see that the product really does help.  The lighting  in my bathroom at 7AM is pretty terrible, but here goes.  The top pic is no makeup.  The second makeup is after applying BB cream, and the last is with a light dusting of my mineral foundation.  That is another reason I am loving this takes much less time to apply foundation than before, and I use a lot less.  I like that my already simple routine, is even faster!  No more standing there blending and adding more powder and blending some more.  The BB Cream has a tint to it, and all I need is a little foundation now.  It covers up most of my sun spots and evens out my reddish skin tone.  I am using the Light, but it comes in 4 different shades and retails for $10.95 for 1 fl oz. Also, it is sold at mass food and drug retailers nationwide, so you shouldn't have trouble finding it.  

So, that's my review.  As you can see, I'm pretty fond of it!

 I received a complimentary product from SheSpeaks/L'OrĂ©al to facilitate this review.


  1. I am intrigued. I am so pale and my skin is very dry so I am curious if this is the product for me!!

    1. Hey KP! If your skin is very dry, you may still need an additional moisturizer, as this is very light. It is tinted, which is nice, since I am sporting the Casper look as well! Bring on summer!

  2. I am going to have to try it. I got some fancy $30 an ounce in a Birch Box and I was sold on the BB factor. I bought the garnier version, but my left eye doesn't like it anywhere on my face....I get weepy eye and I have testerd everything else and reduced it to the Garnier. I'm out the door to pick up this one and give it a try.

  3. I got some in my Birchbox as well and love it... This may just be a more economical one to try, though!

  4. Finding a skin product that works for you is SO HARD. But this does sound like a winner!
