Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Fudgey Mocha Nut Pie

I know I've been skimping on the posts here lately, but I just can't seem to get things caught up since vacation.  I'm trying to find a happy medium between keeping my blog up, and also keeping the house from looking like a train wreck, plus cooking {semi}healthy meals, while running constantly picking up/dropping off children, etc.  You know the drill.

As I got on my computer today, the first thing I saw were images from the explosions at the Boston Marathon.  Of course I cried, and all I could think of is how I was just looking at horrific images not too long ago.  The world is 'going to hell in a hand basket' as my mother says.  It is so sad and depressing.  You know what isn't sad?  This pie...
Seriously, this is the happiest freakin' pie I've ever seen.

This recipe is one I've had cut out from a magazine and stuck in a notebook for years!
I don't know what magazine it came from, but I found it on the Hershey's website too.
This is the first time I have made it, and this pie is DIVINE.  It's very rich, very chocolate-y, with lots of nuts and a hint of coffee.  The coffee really accentuates the chocolate and the texture is like a moist brownie.  This is now my favorite chocolate pie.  I love the flavor and texture even more than my Chocolate Chess Pie!  If you are not a coffee fan, you could leave it out, and still have a delicious chocolate pie, but the coffee intensifies the chocolate flavor. I also used half regular Hershey's cocoa and half Hershey's Dark, b/c I looovvvee dark chocolate, and I used fat free sweetened condensed milk, b/c that's all I ever buy.  Other than than, I followed the recipe as written.  If you are a chocolate lover like me, you definitely want to give this one a try!


  1. Nothing feeds sadness and grief like chocolate! That is sinful and I wish I had some right now.
    Have a great afternoon,
    Lulu and Daisy

    1. I wish I had some too! I started a diet on Monday...so not fun.

  2. Stopping by from Wednesday Extravaganza. WOW that looks like pure delicious mud, lol. We love pecan pie and fudge so this is great.

  3. Holy shizz - that does look insulin worthy Kim!!

  4. I am totally drooling now. wow that looks amazing

    1. Thanks! It was pretty darn good, if I do say so myself!

  5. Kim I've been feeling the same way. Still have the little things to do, yet feeling like the world is getting more and more out of control. I didn't even let myself look at the images this time... too much tragedy here in the Northeast... it isn't helping me or anyone else to keep watching the news. I read one article a day about it and I feel less overwhelmed....
    I think chocolate is always a good thing to throw yourself into... so thank you, thank you a lot for sharing this recipe with us on foodie friday.

  6. Oh what a temptress you are!! This pie would satisfy ANY sweet tooth. A.MA.ZING! Thanks so much for sharing at Weekend Potluck...please be sure to come back next week and bring along another one of your special recipes.

  7. Wow! I bet this makes lots of people very happy!! Thanks so much for sharing with us at The Busy Bee's Thursday party! We appreciate you joining us!
    Have a wonderful day!
    Joye & Myrna

  8. Congratulations!
    Your recipe is featured on Full Plate Thursday this week. Have a great weekend and enjoy your new Red Plate.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen
