Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wordless Wednesday - Vacation Food Pics!

I'm just starting to go through my pics from vacation..but here are a few for the foodies out there!

The moistest, most delicious chocolate cake...esp the icing, which I'm usually not a fan of!

an incredible Club sandwich with an avocado spread

a chocolate covered caramel apple with....Reese Cups!

so I wasn't all bad...I had a salad :-) A very delicious spinach salad.

Okay, so not quite wordless...


  1. Oh my! All of that looks amazing. Where did you eat? We tried the candy apples for the first time in Nov. I thought they were just for looks, but no - those things are fantastic! We brought 2 apples home for the kids :)

  2. oh my gosh, that cake looks delicious! I was surfing bloglovin and saw that cake. I knew immediately that i had to click and comment!


    Liking the look of that sandwich as well. :)

    1. The cake really was divine! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. LOL you crack me up I can't do wordless either :)

    It all looks so yummy! I so want to make those apples for Caden's Mickey party this summer!

    1. You could totally do it! The ears are made out of marshmallows. We also bought one covered in mini M&M's and one in crushed Snickers. We spent a crazy amount in the candy stores! Which explains why I am starting a diet tomorrow!
