Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday Fun Finds #2

It's time for another Friday Fun Finds....and fun finds they are! These are two very different snack options, both delicious in their own right.

First up...your new favorite chip.
If you've not tried these, I highly suggest you do, they are amazing! The variety of flavors are unlike most on the market, and I had the pleasure to try all of them! 
My absolute favorite was this one - 
They were spicy, but not hot, and super flavorful, but not in a powdered covered fake way - if that makes sense. All of the varieties are really good. They are super crunchy, non-greasy, and have great flavor. My girls' favorite was the Sea Salt and Cider Vinegar, and my son liked the Lightly Salted and the Mature Cheddar and Chives. Like I said, they are all good!  You can visit Tyrrell's to find out more about them and where to get them. They are available online (they come from the UK!) and I have seen a few of the flavors at Fresh Market grocery store. Unfortunately, they didn't have the Sweet Chili, which may be a good thing since I'm pretty sure I would have blown off my diet and stocked up.

Next up is a different snack option, that won't derail the diet train...
Finally, an allergy friendly protein bar!! Do you know how hard it is to find a bar with NO NUTS? Not only is it free of nuts, but also contains no dairy, soy or gluten! My oldest daughter needs extra protein in her diet. She is pretty active, has a very high metabolism, and is very lean. Her pediatrician recommended extra protein, and luckily she loves a few protein bars on the market. She has declared the Sunflower her new favorite. I personally prefer the chocolate...but you know me, I prefer chocolate everything!
They are soft and chewy, without being sticky and gummy, so even though my daughter has braces, she was still able to eat them without any trouble. ZEGO bars are easily portable, so they are great on-the-go; you can toss them in your gym bag, lunch box or purse, and considering we were at volleyball practice until 8:30 last night, it's nice to have some options that will tide them over for a while.
For me, they would make a convenient on-the-go meal replacement. With school starting up, and activities underway, I'm often eating on the run and I try to keep something convenient on hand to prevent me from making unhealthy choices at a drive-thru or concession stand! With these being nut-free, I don't have to worry about my 5 y/o getting into them, or taking a bite either. (Do your kids always want whatever you are eating?! It's like live-in portion control with kids around!) ZEGO is a brand new product, so head over to their Facebook and Twitter pages and show them some love and get more info!

So these are my Fun Finds for today. Either of these interest you? 

A big thanks to Tyrell's and Zego for sending my samples of their products to try (Disclosure! Also, no other compensation was received, all opinions are my own or that of my family.)


  1. They sound great, I bet the boys would love those bars.

  2. I've never even seen those chips in stores! Definitely keeping my eye out for that sweet chili flavor...yum.
