Friday, August 30, 2013

Friday Fun Finds #3

Disclosure: Some products featured on the Friday Fun Finds series are product samples that have been sent to me to try. All opinions reflected will be my own. 

Welllll, today's Friday Fun Finds are almost Saturday finds...but better late than never right?! It's been one of those days. Like, seriously, one.of.those.days. My son woke me up at 3am b/c he couldn't sleep. He gets in my bed, where he immediately falls asleep, stretching out so that the hubs and I are being poked and prodded by an arm, knee, or foot - not to mention at some point he used my back as his pillow. Then the alarm goes off at 6:30, I go into the bathroom...and hear a rustling sound. I freak out, and sure enough, there is a MOUSE in my HOUSE. eekkkk! Lots of hysterics ensued, including my squealing and doing the 'walking-on-hot-coals' dance. At one point my husband caught the mouse in a cup, just for it to go leaping through the air and escaping. Which of course, caused more squealing and dancing on my part. Yikes. Needless to say, I'm spending the night at my parents. Not even kidding. After more drama, an early release day at school, lots of driving all over the place, I am finally, at 10:25, doing this post!

I've been buying flavored carbonated waters for a while now. My kids love them, and it's a zero calorie, sugar free alternative to soda. I've tried different ones, but I like the flavor varieties of these....
Sparkling Ice! We especially like the new lemonade flavors! They have Strawberry Lemonade, Raspberry Lemonade and Lemonade with Tea to complement their Classic Lemonade flavor. My favorite is the Lemonade with Tea - it's like a fizzy Arnold Palmer. And for the grown-ups, make it dirty by adding in a little vodka!

For another adult concoction (we are celebrating the end of summer you know!) there is the ...
Sparkling Lemonito (for all of us who are big mojito fans)

4 oz Sparkling ICE Classic Lemonade
2 oz Vodka
6 Mint leaves lightly muddled
Lime wheel

Muddle mint leaves with a splash of Sparkling ICE Lemonade in a mixing glass. Squeeze in juice from lemon slice, add vodka, ice and stir. Pour into a glass, top with Sparkling ICE Lemonade, and garnish with a lime wheel and mint sprig.

Yes, please, and thank you! If summer has to end, then let it end with a drink in my hand. (and hopefully a mouse in a trap.*shudder*)

Learn more about Sparkling ICE and all of the varieties they offer on their website, on Twitter, and Instagram.

I was sent samples of this product to try. I chose to feature them on the blog b/c my family enjoys them, as I am under no obligation to post.

Well, there is only going to be one fun find today, b/c even though I have lots more products I want to share, I'm exhausted. It's past this mama's bedtime.


  1. I love the mandarin orange club soda and vodka drink. So refreshing, but it will sneak up on you.

  2. OOHHH I'm loving loving that cocktail :)

  3. looks delicious....just mouthwatering!
