Friday, April 25, 2014

Growing Family Time with Miracle-Gro {#sponsored}

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Miracle-Gro for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

I am so excited to finally have some SPRING weather!! *happy dance* It has really gotten me in the mood to start planning my garden. Since I'm not sure how the soil is where I live now, and we have bunny rabbits in abundance, I plan to keep it small this year. I am thinking I will just do some cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, basil and cilantro. We'll see how things go. I'm looking forward to getting seeds in the ground with the help of my kiddoes, b/c when they are involved from the very beginning, they get excited to watch the seeds sprout and watch the plants grow. And they really get excited when it's harvest time! My kids will eat whole cucumbers just like you would an apple! Any gardening tips you have regarding sandy soil, and keeping away the bunnies will be appreciated.

A small garden is not the only family project I have in mind however. On a even smaller scale, the kids and I are going to fill these...

My children decorated these pots for me last year for Mother's Day, and it's time to refill them. It will mean a lot to the kids that I want to use them again, and it will be fun to pick out what we are going to plant together. It will also give them an opportunity to get nice and dirty and play in potting soil...and what kid doesn't like that?! It's small things like this that mean a lot to kids, and will be something they remember doing together.
Do you have any outdoor projects planned with your kids/grandkids this spring and summer? Go share it with everyone at Gro Something Greater!

One thing I know for sure is, all my "growing projects" will involve Miracle-Gro. My Grandma always swore by it, but I have been made a believer. When my grandmother passed away a year and half ago, I 'inherited' some of her plants. I have 2 ferns and a geranium. I also do NOT have a green thumb. However, things were going along pretty well until we had an early frost this past Fall. I was not prepared, and had left all my plants outside. The next day, I realized what had happened and rushed them all into my sunroom, but over the next few days, they all looked dead. Like brown, dry, very d-e-a-d. I was heartbroken! But, I remembered my grandmother always talking about Miracle-Gro, so I fed the plants with it, kept them protected in our sunroom, and just hoped they would bounce back come Spring. Imagine my surprise when my brown, dead looking geranium did this...

Not only did it produce nice green leaves, but it bloomed!! *Another happy dance* The ferns are looking much better too. I think Grandma would be proud, and would say "I told you so" :-)
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