Thursday, April 10, 2014

Spring Cleaning with Balance Bars (GIVEAWAY)

Spring is finally here! I think. You can't be too sure nowadays. However, if the pollen and asthma/allergies are any indication, then yep, Spring has finally sprung! Even though the pollen does cause my family and I lots of issues, I still love to see the flowers and trees blooming. It gives me a renewed sense of happiness and well being. It makes me want to make things fresh and clean....and that means spring cleaning! I have an entire Pinterest board devoted to cleaning. Not that I'm doing it, but hey, I have the resources whenever I get around to it! Not only do I want to purge and clean my house, but I want to shape up my diet as well. I've gotten back into the habit of lots of processed junk and too much sugar and carbs in my diet. Registered Dietitian, Sharon Richter, has come up with some tips to help us all start cleaning up our diet, by spring cleaning our pantry!
Balance Bar is doing their part as well, by offering healthier alternatives to many 'grab and go' snacks and teaming up with J.R. Watkins  which has awesome products without harsh toxins, so that we can "Spring Clean" inside and out!
 Balance Bar comes in a variety of flavors, like Dark Chocolate PeanutDark Chocolate Crunch and Dark Chocolate Coconut.  And if you follow my blog, you know that I big pink puffy heart dark chocolate!
Not only do they come in my favorite flavors, but they have 13g of protein, and are gluten free. They make a good pre- or post-workout snack and are great for keeping in your purse or desk drawer for a mid-day snack to tide you over until your next meal. I shared my Balance Bars with my workout buddies and they were well received. It's not a candy bar, but it doesn't have the really harsh "protein-y" taste that some protein bars do. I know for me, that I am more likely to make poor food choices when I am really hungry, so keeping healthier snacks around is important. Learn more by following Balance Bar on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest
In addition to the Balance Bars, today's giveaway also includes this White Tea and Bamboo All Purpose Cleaner and Hand Soap by J.R, Watkins. It has a very fresh and clean scent without using harsh chemicals. I have already given the all purpose cleaner a work out since I have a lot of kitchen counter tops...and they constantly need cleaning! Learn more about the products by checking them out on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest

So, on to the giveaway! To get you in the mood to start your own spring cleaning, Balance Bar and J.R.Watkins are providing a prize pack to one Makin' it Mo'Betta reader including a variety of Balance Bars and the above White Tea and Bamboo All Purpose Cleaner and Hand Soap.
You'll receive more bars than pictured. I sort of ate most of mine before taking blog pictures. oops.

Just enter via a Rafflecopter giveaway form. Prize pack only available for shipping within U.S.

Disclosure: I received the same prize pack as being offered as a giveaway. Both prize packs are provided by Balance Bar/JR Watkins. No other compensation was received for this post. All opinions are my own.