Sunday, September 12, 2010

My first 5K

me and my sis
I did it! After complaining talking about it for weeks, I finally ran my first 5K.  I didn't do great, but I didn't do terrible either! Overall, I was pretty pleased.  I ran most of the time, but walked a little too.  I finished 61 out of 89.  So, like I said, not great, but not last :)  It felt good!  I can remember not that long ago thinking "THREE miles! There's no way I can run 3 miles."  But I CAN (well, mostly run anyway!)  The weather was GREAT, the race was on a golf course (and not too many hills!) and I ran with my sister and a couple of friends.  I enjoyed the experience and have already been thinking about doing another one.  Since I got dusted by a friend's 9 year old (she finished 17th!), I need to work on my time.  Of course, her mom runs marathons, so she's been running since she could walk - that's got to be why she beat me by EIGHT minutes!  Or it could be that I'm slow, but I choose not to believe that.  Denial is a good thing.
demonstrating my awesome running technique

We did it!
pure dorkiness

And check out this post from Cute As a Fox, she is doing a Breast Cancer Awareness giveaway and has a link that you can click on to help her sister get votes...the most votes gets $250 for their fundraising efforts.  She is participating in the 3 Day Walk for a Cure.  All you have to do is "CLICK" - so help a girl out and support a great cause!  Thanks!