Wednesday, September 15, 2010

sometimes i cheat {Lemon Poppy Seed Blueberry Muffins}

Once again, I'm talking about FOOD.  What else?  Unless you want to talk potty training.  Speaking of potty training, how's it going you (don't) ask?  Well....every morning I ask my 2 year old "do you want to use the potty?"  He says "no".  I say "do you want to put on big boy pants?"  He says "no".  I say "you want to be a big boy don't you?"  He says "no".  Then later in the day I hear "unnnhhhh" - a grunt.  I say to Mr. Two "are you doing a _____(you know what)?"  He says "no".  Then goes and hides to finish his man-size turd in his diaper.  That's how potty training is going.  Thanks for asking. 

So, anyone still reading?  If so, let's get back to my original post.  Cheating.  No Hubs, you don't need a divorce lawyer.  I'm talking about cheating in the kitchen.  Since I was forced decided to start cooking more things from scratch, and trying to feed my kids healthier "real" foods - I have gotten away from pre-packaged convenience foods.  But every once in a while....
Betty Crocker makes her way into my kitchen. 
probably a clearance item at Target!

My Terrible Two couldn't have it because of his egg allergy, which is why I don't use the pre-packaged mixes very often - but lemon is one of my favorites!  However, these are nutritionally pretty weak.  I was wondering what I could add to them to make them a little better for me and the girls.  I decided on this...

Blueberries are a super food, rich in antioxidants and go great with lemon flavor!  And flax seed adds fiber and Omega 3's.

These souped up muffins ended up being pretty tasty!  So, even if you are using a pre-packaged mix, there are usually substitutions or additions to make it a little bit healthier.  Or, they can go fix themselves a bowl of cereal so mommy can blog :)


  1. Good idea! Oddly, we have that exact same giant package of blueberries in our freezer. I've been wondering what the heck I'm going to do w/all the blueberries. Yesterday I made a blueberry syrup for our waffles. :)

  2. The muffins look so good.
    Good luck on the potty training. I have not started potty training mine yet, but I know it on the horizon.

  3. I totally lucked out on the potty training thing. My daughter, being the competitive person she is, realized someone else in day care was potty trained and she wanted to do the same thing.

    She was like 2 1/2 at the time - and from Halloween to Thanksgiving, that was it - no more diapers and maybe only two accidents after that! Good luck!

    And I love the lemon/blueberry combo - made blueberry lemon pancakes and they were so good - with a bit of lemon zest too.

  4. Hey... have you tried EnerG Egg Replacer in your baking for Mr. Two?

    Have fun w/ the potty training. I had a much easier time with Abby than Jacob!

  5. You found a great way to "soup" up those muffins! They look so tasty :-).

  6. Love the first part of your post where you're talking about the babe grunting and such when he' know...what is it with me and my fascination for bowel movements? Must be the wannabe nurse in me.
    Muffins looked yummy!
