Saturday, September 4, 2010

they call me tomater salad

Okay, so you'll only get that title if you've ever watched Ron White - whom I find to be quite hysterical.  But that's me.  And my hubs thinks I have an.....unusual sense of humor.  hmmm.  whatever.

As I've mentioned frequently, I'm not a big veggie fan.  Just because I like to grow them, doesn't mean I really enjoy eating them.  Like 'Weezer' in Steel Magnolias.  Just throwin' that out there.

But this salad....this salad, is AWESOME.  My love for it comes from the fact that I love cheese, and could practically DRINK balsamic vinegar.  I know, weird.  But the tomatoes, for which I sort of like, but do not LOVE, soak up all the delicious vinaigrette and the combination with the mozzarella and fresh basil.....just makes me salivate thinking about it.  And now I want some, even though i just consumed way too much Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream.  My husband's fault.  He was supposed to bring home a reduced fat ice cream.  That is SO not what he brought home.  And I have absolutely NO willpower.  Anyway, back to the's called tomato and mozzarella salad, caprese salad and who knows what else.  I just call it delicious.

I just made up my own proportions...and went a little overboard on the mozzarella.  Some recipes call for olive oil, but I skipped it.  I used fresh grape tomatoes from my garden - the bigger ones I halved and the smaller ones I made a little slit in so they could absorb all the dressing!  Then I cubed some (okay, a lot)of fresh part-skim mozzarella, then drowned covered it in a fat free balsamic vinaigrette.  Then I added fresh basil, also from the garden! and fresh ground pepper.  I have eaten it everyday for a week!  yummm.


  1. Looks soooooo good! I love balsamic vinegar!

  2. It is a lovely salad and it sounds delicious. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

  3. I heard somewhere that the most expensive drink ever was a big ol' bottle of vinegar...
