Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Cheerios Breakfast COOKIES!

Yes, you read correctly...cookies. For breakfast.  What kind of mom gives their kids cookies for breakfast?  Well, this mom apparently.  My kids think I rock.  Today anyway.  My girls have been skipping out on breakfast lately.  Too busy "getting ready".  Why do you need to spend more than 5 minutes getting ready for the 2nd and 4th grade?  Anyway, I know this is only the beginning of that drama. 

I decided I would make something 'portable' that they could grab'n go, but I wanted it to be semi-healthy.  It needed to have some protein, and complex carbs.  Pop-Tarts, most granola bars, etc. just didn't really have the ingredients in them that I felt my kids need for breakfast.  So I went on an internet search and found several breakfast cookie recipes, which are kind of like homemade granola bars shaped into a cookie. 

I narrowed my search to this one, b/c I had all the ingredients on hand.  It is full of whole grains from whole wheat flour, oats, and Cheerios (which I think are just thrown in for texture and to make you feel like you really are giving your kids something breakfast worthy).  There is also protein in the form of peanut butter and a serving of Egg Beaters....sorry Mr. Terrible Two, these are off limits for you.  As good as those ingredients sound, these are definitely not the perfect breakfast.  There is plenty of sugar in them...white sugar and chocolate chips!  However, I didn't want to have a whole batch of "cookies" that the kids wouldn't eat, so I didn't mess with the sugar quantities this time.  It is a good base recipe to play with, and I'll be experimenting with it (sorry kids).  I think some pureed prunes or carrots would be a good addition, as well as some walnuts or almonds and dried fruit.
Anyway, my kids chowed down on their cookies this morning.  They were actually excited to eat breakfast, and ate one before they even started getting ready!  Guess I'll have to come up with more exciting breakfast options to get them to eat.  I do believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day!  Of course, I think every meal is important, which is why my jeans are getting very tight :P

Want the recipe?

Cheerios Breakfast Cookies

•3/4 cup granulated sugar

•1/4 cup canola oil

•3/4 cup peanut butter

•1/4 cup water

•1 tsp. vanilla extract

•1/4 cup egg substitute (such as Egg Beaters)

•1-1/2 cups white whole wheat flour

•1/2 tsp. baking soda

•1/2 tsp. salt

•1-1/2 cups old-fashioned or quick-cooking rolled oats **I used old-fashioned

•3 oz. mini chocolate chips  **I used a 1/2 cup of regular semi-sweet (all I had)

•3 cups Cheerios cereal  **We always have these on hand!

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Beat sugar, canola oil, peanut butter, water, vanilla and egg substitute together with an electric mixer until well-combined. Stir in flour, baking soda, salt, oats and chocolate chips. Very gently, fold in the Cheerios. Drop the dough (it will be sticky) by rounded quarter-cupfuls onto an ungreased or silpat-lined cookie sheet. Flatten the dough gently with your fingertips.  I about an 1/8th cup more water b/c it was very dry.

Bake cookies in the preheated oven 13 to 15 minutes until lightly browned around the edges. Cool completely before serving. Store in an airtight container or freeze in a sealed Ziploc bag for up to two months.  **I found ours only needed to cook for about 11-12 minutes.  I guess it just depends on your oven.

Makes 20 breakfast cookies. 
Per cookie: 206 calories, 10 g fat (2 g saturated fat), 0 mg cholesterol, 26 g carbohydrate, 3 g fiber, 6 g protein, 9% Vitamin A, 2% Vitamin C, 3% calcium, 21% iron **info per website

So, go make your kids some cookies for breakfast!

I'm linking up today with.....

and Home and Pantry is hosting a Pantry Recipe Swap!


  1. your jeans better not be getting tight b/c you have 8 more pairs coming your way :)

    i'm not doing much today since i didn't get home from work lastnight until 9, so maybe i'll drop them by.

  2. Following from Totally Tuesday Blog Hop
    Having Fun Blogging

  3. Following from the Tuesday hops!!
    These look YUMMY!! I've never used CHEERIOS in a cookie... I think we will definitely HAVE to try it!! Thanks for sharing!! (((HUGS))) ;D

  4. OOOPS... My main blog is http://diamondpotential.com
    It'd be nice if you came by. ;D

  5. Happy Tuesday! Cookies for breakfast...love it!!!

    I am a new follower from FMBT!

  6. Now following from TTT Tuesday..
    Love the breakfast cookies.. Definately going to have to give those atry. Follow back @ http://thelifeofawifenmommy.blogspot.com/

  7. hi! i'm following from To The Top Blog Hop! i hop you'll visit my blog and follow back :)



  8. I just found your blog on the hop and look forward to following along hoping that you may wish to do the same!

  9. Hopping too!

    Following you now.....come on by!


  10. Yummy!
    Your newest follower from FMBT!
    Jodi @ http://www.makesmamasmile.blogspot.com

  11. My sister and I lived on Bakers Breakfast Cookies when we did Weight Watchers 10 years ago - love the idea of making them at home! :D

    And I think its better they eat those than nothing :D

  12. Thanks for linking up with us on the train ride this week! We are looking forward to seeing you next week!

  13. Hi, I'm stopping by from the Tuesday blog hop. New follower here!

    Cookies for breakfast?! Sounds good to me!

    Happy Tuesday!
    Jessi (http://thejuicilife.blogspot.com)

  14. Nice recipe, will have to try it! I love cheerios!

    I'm visiting from the Train blog hop and now following you on google friend.

    Would love for you to visit and follow my blog!


  15. You definitely get the best mom ever award for these. Breakfast of champions for sure.

  16. I love how your cookies got your kids to be more excited about breakfast. I think I would be too if I knew "dessert" was waiting for me.

  17. Those look really good! Thanks for visiting, I'm now following you back!

  18. Following you from the Follow Me Tuesday Blog Hop . . . check out my blogs when you get a chance!

    Interesting recipe . . . Have an awesome day!


  19. I like your recipe! definetly will try it out on my kids. I know what you mean my 4th grade (daughter) takes for ever in the shower. I have no idea what she does in there. I get in and get out. Who wants to be in the water all day!!!! I guess her lol, Well I am one of your newest followers. Come check my blog out Riversidecouponlady.blogspot.com Thanks

  20. These look yummy!

    Fellow Blog hopper:)
