Monday, November 15, 2010

Pumpkin Spiced Scones with Crystallized Ginger

Pumpkin Spiced Scones with crystallized ginger and ginger molasses icing -or- orgasm in yo' mouth.  These things were fabulous.  Incredible.  Deeeevine.  However, they have a very distinct flavor.  If you do not like ginger...these are not for you.  I happen to love ginger, especially after eating these babies.  Which caused me to need to spend extra time on the dreadmill.  I mean treadmill.  Notice I said I "need to" not "I did".  I did my usual mileage (barely), but just couldn't do more.  Apparently, scones are more conducive to laying on the couch instead of running.  Anyway....I've seen a few recipes around blogland for pumpkin scones, pumpkin scones with crystallized ginger, etc.  Today, when I started looking at the different recipes I decided on this one from Pinch My Salt.  Then, I made a few changes...which I know shocks no one who has read my blog more than five minutes.  You should go to the site, b/c it has way better pictures with prettier icing  - just so you'll know what it's supposed to look like!  But I don't care how they look, they tasted incredibly awesome.

Food styling at its best *ahem*.  And notice the orange paper plate instead of the classic white you normally see ;) 
They be's my fancy plates.

Honestly, I didn't take much time to take pics b/c I was so excited to EAT them! I had already sampled the dough, so I knew they were gonna be good, and they didn't disappoint. 

So, the recipe already.....

Pumpkin Spiced Scones w/Crystallized Ginger

*adapted from Pinch My Salt; my changes in italics*
1 C. whole wheat flour

1 C. cake flour

1 1/2 t. baking powder

1/2 t. salt

1/2 t. ground cinnamon

1/2 t. ground nutmeg

1/4 t. ground allspice

1/4 t. ground ginger

4 T. Smart Balance 50/50 blend

1/4 cup crystallized ginger (chopped)

1/2 cup pumpkin puree 

1/3 C. heavy cream

6 T. brown sugar

1 t. vanilla

  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.
  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper/silicone mat/cooking spray (whatever you have). 
  3. Cut butter into small pieces, put it in a small bowl and put it back in the refrigerator. 
  4. In a medium bowl, whisk together both flours, baking powder, salt, and all spices.
  5. Place bowl in freezer (refrigerator is fine too).
  6. In a separate bowl, whisk together pumpkin, heavy cream, brown sugar, and vanilla. Put this bowl in freezer (or refrigerator) and take the other bowl back out. 
  7. Get the butter pieces out of the fridge and dump them into the bowl with the flour mixture. Cut the butter into the flour using a pastry blender/two knives or rub it in with your fingertips until it resembles coarse crumbs. 
  8. Stir in the crystallized ginger if using.
  9. Get the liquid mixture out of the freezer and pour into the flour mixture all at once. Stir with a wooden spoon until everything is just combined. The dough will be very crumbly, this is okay.
  10. Turn the mixture out onto the counter and make a pile with your hands. It should stick together fairly well. Knead it just a couple of times until everything is together. Don’t knead it too much or the dough will get too sticky. 
  11. Pat the dough out into a rough circle, 3/4 to 1 inch thick. Cut it like a pie into 8 pieces. Place pieces on the baking sheet so that they are not touching. Bake scones for about 15 minutes at 425 degrees. They should be light brown on the bottom when done.

Icing: For ginger molasses icing, stir together 1 T. molasses, 1-2 T. milk, and 1/4 – 1/2 t. ground ginger (to taste). Adjust the amount of sugar or milk to make the icing the consistency you want. It should be pretty thick. For cinnamon icing, mix together 1 C. powdered sugar, 2 T. milk, 1/4 – 1/2 t. cinnamon (to taste). Again, adjust amounts to change consistency. Icing can be brushed on or drizzled.

**I was confused abt the icing...the ginger molasses icing. - should it have powdered sugar too?  I assumed so since it was super thin otherwise, but also very sweet.  Not sure about that part, you'll have to experiment like I did.  My icing was too thin, but I didn't want to add anymore sugar, so I ended up brushing it on the scones not pictured.  The plate that is pictured was devoured moments later somehow disappeared.  I have no knowledge of what happened to it.  They were stolen, I'm sure of it. (lie)
This recipe requires a lot of steps and bowls...
But I have to say it was worth the clean up.  Like Mr. Grumpy?  Definitely fitting for me first thing in the morning.  Or anytime really.  I sure wish I had not put the remaining scones in the freezer, b/c I'd really like another one.  (I have no idea if they freeze well, but I had to do something to keep myself from gorging on the entire batch.  Plus, my Dad likes ginger so I thought I'd save him some.)

I made the scones on Sunday, so this morning I'm having pumpkin oatmeal.  I'm wondering when I'll start to look like I have jaundice.  I actually rushed my first child to the pediatrician when she was very young b/c she started turning orange.  Turns out, it was just because she was mainly eating orange veggies :D  The doc thought it was pretty funny.  Some nurse I am.  But, you know how it is with your first child, you freak out about everything.  Now, after 3 kids, they have to be bleeding profusely, have an object embedded somewhere, or thick green mucous before heading to the doctor.  mmmm, green mucous.  That's a nice thought to go along with my pumpkin scones.  Sorry folks, that's life with kids.

I hope everyone had a great weekend, and getting ready for THANKSGIVING!!  I can't believe how fast the month of November is flying by...crazy.  I sure hope Santa is getting his mess together.

Monday blog hops.....Living on Love and CentsKdBuggie BoutiqueJust Married with CouponsRecipe linkys - 


  1. ohhh yes.. that sounds good!!!!!!
    have a great monday

  2. Whoa! That looks divine! I am now your newest follower!!

  3. Oh...looks dangerously delicious!!! :) I will have to try...thanks for sharing!

    I am a new follower from Making Friends Monday! Hope you will stop by my review and giveaway blog, "in my opinion..." and follow me as well. Here's the link:

    I do have several blogs, but this on is the one I am looking for followers for. Thanks sooo much and have a blessed day! :)

  4. That looks simply delicious!!!!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog on the Cornucopia Blog hop! I'm now following you!

  5. Looks yummy!! I'm blog hopping and found your blog. I'm a new follower! Would love for you to check out my blog and follow back!!

  6. Hi! I'm a new follower from the Monday Hop. Come by and say hi sometime :)

  7. Thanks for linking up at Making Friends Monday! I am now following you.I look forward to reading more from you! I hope you have a great week!

  8. Yummy~ I think I just gained 10pounds. lol. Just hoppin by for the first time on your blog! :) hugs.

  9. YUMMY!!!
    I am your newest follower from FMBT. Sorry a bit late. Have a great week.

  10. O, those sound divine. And I love the changes you've made...especially the whole wheat flour.

  11. Yum, those look incredible! I may have to make some for Thanksgiving morning!
