Wednesday, March 23, 2011

oh where, oh where, has my little girl gone?!

I can't believe this little baby...7 lbs 14 oz (20&1/2 in. long)
turned into this adorable 4 y/o

and quite sassy too!

started school before I knew it...
was 8 in the blink of an eye...
and now Number One is the big One Zero.  My baby is 10!  yowza.
Time flies when you're raising kids! 
See other Wordless (or Semi-Wordless) Wednesday and blog hops HERE!


  1. What a sweet post!! She is adorable.

    I'm here from Semi Wordless Wednesday. I hope the rest of your week is fantastic. =)

  2. I am still LOVING that cake! They do grow up waaaaaaaaaay too fast!

  3. excuse me while I belt out a tune from Fiddler on the Roof.... Is this the little girl I carried? Is this my little boy at play.... I don't remember growing older.. when did they?? Ahhh my kids hated when I would sing that LOL... in a crowded mall... hee hee

    Greetings! I am your newest follower from Blog it Forward! Yes, I know that was yesterday, but I’m ran out of day!

    I need your help! Please stop by my site .

    While you are there, I’d be oh so grateful if you could go and vote for my little booger. I am trying to win a Baby Bullet and I am severely behind Directions are my latest post.

    THANK YOU!!!!! Let me know how I can help you!!!

  4. Time does fly.. my sweet first born turns 20 next week... 20!!!!
    Happy 10th Birthday to your sweet girl.

  5. They grow up way too fast. I love the baby picture with the rabbit ears! so cute and sweet!

  6. Thanks for linking up!

    Yes, time flies....breaks my heart. I can't believe I have a 17 & 14 yr old.
    Seems like yesterday i was pg. :(

    She is a beauty:)

  7. Adorable! I think she's gotten cuter with every passing year!

  8. sooo cute! My 'baby boy' will be 30!!! next week...sigh:)
