Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Recipes from the birthday party!

First, Happy Birthday to my oldest daughter!  She is officially 10 years old today, and couldn't be happier to be in the "double digits".  I remember that.  I remember my 10th birthday!  I just can't believe how quickly my children are growing up.  And how quickly I am getting old.  Anyway, I better stop now before I start bawling all over my computer.  In yesterday's post, I gave a re-cap of her "baking" birthday party.  So today I thought I would share some recipes!  Y'all know that everything I make is fairly easy...I don't profess to be a chef or anything...even though now I have the hat ;)  Speaking of, some links for the paper chef hats and flowers from the party can be found here and here.  This is one of the reasons blogging is so great! One, a fellow blogger gave me some of the links, which gave me the ideas for the hats/flowers, and two - someone out in blog land has been there, done that, and has a great blog post about it :D  (That should be on a t-shirt "been there, done that, blogged about it".)
For the cake, I mentioned that is was the first time I've made homemade frosting.  I used this recipe from allrecipes.com

Creamy Chocolate Frosting **This is the original recipe - I doubled it to frost a 4 layer cake

2 3/4 cups confectioners' sugar

6 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder

6 tablespoons butter

5 tablespoons evaporated milk

1 teaspoon vanilla extract


1.In a medium bowl, sift together the confectioners' sugar and cocoa, and set aside.

2.In a large bowl, cream butter until smooth, then gradually beat in sugar mixture alternately with evaporated milk. Blend in vanilla. Beat until light and fluffy. If necessary, adjust consistency with more milk or sugar.
And as I mentioned yesterday, I can't imagine going back to canned frosting!  The only thing about this frosting (I'm not sure about others since I haven't made it before) it seems to melt quicker than canned frosting.  I just kept it in the refrigerator until I was ready to cut it.  If you have any tried and true frosting recipes, I would love to hear about them.  I have another birthday coming up in a couple of weeks!  Mr. Terrible Two is turning THREE!!  What will I call him then?  Mr. Three?  hmmm, points to ponder.

This was my pizza that I finally got to make and eat several hours after the party!

The pizza dough recipe was also a new one that I tried.  I went with a Bread Machine Pizza Crust from the Hillbilly Housewife because I was trying to make it easier on myself.  This will be my 'go to' crust from now on!  It was super easy, the bread machine did all the work, and the dough itself tasted good, had a great consistency, and was super easy to work with.  I made 8 "personal" size pizza crusts from one dough recipe.  I formed the crust, pre-baked, then froze them earlier in the week.  The day before the party, I stuck them in the fridge, and we were ready to go at party time.  The kids just fixed their toppings, and I stuck them in the oven to heat through.  They turned out great.

•1-1/4 cups water (plus 1 or 2 more tablespoons if necessary)

•3 tablespoons olive or other vegetable oil

•1 teaspoon salt

•4 cups bread flour or all purpose flour *I used all bread flour in one batch and a mix of bread flour and wheat flour in another. Both are good.  The wheat flour makes a denser crust. (& is a little healthier!)

•2 teaspoons active dry yeast

Measure the ingredients into the bread pan in the order listed. Make a "well" in the flour and sprinkle the yeast into it. Set the machine to it’s Dough Cycle. After the dough has mixed a few minutes add a spoonful or two of water if the dough seems very dry (I didn't have to do this). On my machine the Dough Cycle lasts 1-1/2 hours. The dough will be risen and puffy in the bread pan when it is done kneading and rising. Punch it down (without hurting your fist on the paddle); and remove it from the pan. Knead it a few times to get it deflated properly. Divide the dough in half. Let the dough halves rest for about 10 minutes to relax the gluten, making it easier to roll out. Press the dough into 2 – 14″ or 16″ pizza pans. I oil the pans a little first, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to. **I divided the dough into 8 pieces, and it made decent sized personal crusts - see pic above!

Top the dough with your favorite sauce and pizza toppings. Bake at 400 degrees for about 15 to 20 minutes.

For party decorations, I didn't go all out.  For one, the wind was blowing pretty good, so I couldn't do much outside.  We had a banner on the front porch, a Happy Birthday windsock, and
a cupcake cutout on the front and back doors.  I found them 2/1.00 at the Dollar Tree and hung them with ribbon.
I also had some kitchen utensils sitting around, tied with ribbon.  This was an oatmeal container that I wrapped in ribbon.  Added some spoons and cookie cutters.  Like I said, I didn't go all out on decorations!  We also had balloons, but they all had to be in the house.  I know, it's a little lame, but mama was tired!

Now, I'm going to get my butt out of the house and enjoy this 80 degree day we are supposed to have!!!

I'm going to link up with the great blogs found HERE! Check them out!  You can find some great recipes and craft ideas by checking out these linkys!


  1. the utensil holder created from the oatmeal container is too cool!!

  2. I love the flowers on the cake. Are they marshmallows dipped in sprinkles? I had a similar cake for one of my birthday parties (30 something years ago and I still remember... so it must have been cool). Mine was with yellow and white daisies on a cake iced in yellow. I need to master my homemade frosting skills!

  3. Yummy! Your cake looks fantastic! I made a cake once for one of my kiddos... it was SO much work, but it really was better than store bought.

    We have a fave choc/peanut butter frosting, but I see you deal with allergy issues. Peanuts? If you guys can't do peanuts, I'm sure there is some way to tweak it?? It's a nice frosting... it sets up good. I know what you mean about some of the homemade ones melting easily.

    4tbsp peanut butter
    4tbsp butter
    1 1/2 vanilla extract
    2 c confectioner's
    3 1/2 tbsp cocoa powder
    pinch salt
    3-5 tbsp heavy cream

    Mix pb, butter, vanilla until smooth.

    stir in confectioner's, cocoa, and salt.

    Add heavy cream and continue mixing on med. until it thickens.

    When I made Oreo Bon Bons, I read that adding a tbsp of Crisco helps the chocolate coating set up. I've never tried that in frosting, but it might work for that as well. :)

  4. the pizza looks really tasty!! Gotta give it a try!!

  5. Hi, Doing the blog it forward hop,liking where I can, joining where I can, sharing, stumbling, subscribing…you got it I will click. Have a great day!BTW You are making me hungry!

  6. Beautiful Cake! We are doing CHOCOLATE... CHOCOLATE and MORE CHOCOLATE at THIS WEEK'S CRAVINGS Linky Party and we would love to have you link up this awesome recipe!


  7. That cake is GORGEOUS! The flowers just set it over the edge...amazing job!

  8. LOVE LOVE LOVE that cake! So cute!

  9. What an adorable little party, must have been such a treat for the birthday girl. Thanks for linking up with the Hearth and Soul hop.

  10. Your cake is beautiful! I love it!

  11. We so appreciate you coming back and linking up to THIS WEEK’S CRAVINGS “CHOCOLATE”, we are already enjoying over 125 recipes, so make sure to stop back by and see them all. It’s gonna be one SWEET week!

    And don’t forget to come back next week (Monday) for “HIDDEN INGREDIENT”… “What can you hide in your recipes?”


  12. i wish i had a cool birthday party like that! :D how yummy does that pizza & cake look, btw?!

    i would love for you to link this & any other recipe to mangia monday!


  13. I bet the party was great! That cake looks so pretty, the pizza looks delish, and the decorations are soooo cute! Thanks for linking up on Recipes I Can't Wait to Try!
