Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Mo'Betta Flower

What makes a flower mo'betta?
When you can eat it of course!
(the pic is supposed to look like a flower if anyone is scratching their head wondering what in the world I'm talking about)

caprese saladaka Tomato, Mozzarella and Basil Salad.  aka Da Bomb.

I can't say I'm a huge fan of tomatoes, but when they are drowned in balsamic vinegar and paired with cheese and fresh basil....mmmmmm mm.  That's good stuff.

I just couldn't wait any longer for my garden to grow, so I broke down and bought the very expensive little plastic pack of basil at the grocery store.  Along with grape tomatoes.  I just couldn't wait any longer for the taste of summer-time!

and what is it about toasting bread with olive oil that makes it so divine?  I could eat it everyday.  Every. Day.  So peeps, go make this fabulous salad.  You won't be sorry.  There are tons of variations out there in blog land.  I can't even give you any measurements, b/c I just dumped everything together.  It's amazingly simple, yet so delicious!

Have a great weekend!  The weather here is supposed to be wonderful.  Which is good, since I'll be camping with my girls.  In a tent.  On the ground.  Outside.
But there will be S'mores!!!


  1. oh Yum!!! That looks delicous!!!
    Happy a great weekend

  2. I LOVE caprese salad@ This looks wonderful!

  3. Haha true...edible flowers are certainly the best kind. and caprese is the best kind of salad. Perfect pair! This looks delicious!
